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Good Everyday Veggies?


Active Member
Cavy Slave
Jan 2, 2005
what are good veggies that i can feed everyday without problems? some sites are very vauge about feeding them. they just say what can be fed, but dont say what can be fed everyday and what can be fed in moderation.
Romaine Lettuce, Green and Red Peppers, and Cilantro are excellent. Feed spinach and carrots in moderation.
Mine get red or green leaf lettuce, green pepper (red and yellow are hard to find here right now), green beans, cilantro and kale on a daily basis. I give baby carrots (1 per pig) every other day and I give spinach twice a week. They get a cob of corn including silks/husk about 2 times a week. I also give my girls a bit of fruit each day in their evening meal. Like a thin slice of apple, a couple of grapes cut up or a slice of pear or kiwi. They get other things once in a while, like a small slice of banana or a wedge of roma tomato, some asparagus. It depends on what I have on hand at the time.

I do give them romaine lettuce when it looks good at the store, but lately it has been looking rather bad for a small head of romaine and I get huge heads of good looking leaf lettuce for about $1.19.
ChattyCoCo said:
Mine get red or green leaf lettuce, green pepper (red and yellow are hard to find here right now), green beans, cilantro and kale on a daily basis. I give baby carrots (1 per pig) every other day and I give spinach twice a week. They get a cob of corn including silks/husk about 2 times a week. I also give my girls a bit of fruit each day in their evening meal. Like a thin slice of apple, a couple of grapes cut up or a slice of pear or kiwi. They get other things once in a while, like a small slice of banana or a wedge of roma tomato, some asparagus. It depends on what I have on hand at the time.

I do give them romaine lettuce when it looks good at the store, but lately it has been looking rather bad for a small head of romaine and I get huge heads of good looking leaf lettuce for about $1.19.
Wow, you got a variety going on!! Lol, I wish I could afford all that stuff, but I'm just with Romaine, Green Peppers(4 for $1), Carrots, Apples, Cucumbers, Spinach(1 bag for $1), and occasionally some Parsley or Kale.
Fruit, I'm not sure if you know this, but, it should not be fed everyday, as can cause mouth sores. Ideally, every 3 days. Is asparagus alright for pigs, should be fed in moderation? How many times do you feed it? I want to try asparagus...
you can feed them one baby carrot per day. that is fine.
loves2travel, I thought one baby carrot a day was too much either Vit A or calcium, I forget what it has more of. If they can each have a baby carrot a day then I will give them that because they really love carrots.

Ruby, asparagus is fine for piggers to have. I don't give it often as it's a bit expensive. When I buy it for myself to cook then they get that treat. They might get it two or three times a month.

The fruit they get daily is not really enough to cause mouth sores and I rotate the fruits. They will each get like one very thin (about 1/8" thick slice) of apple or pear or kiwi or a couple grapes each cut up into halves, and about 2 times a month they get a 1/4" slice of banana. When they come out for laptime they usually get a raisin or two and that has to be CoCo's most favorite thing in the world. I read somewhere that it's mostly the acidic fruits that will cause mouth sores.

I also forgot to mention they do get cucumber, mustard greens and zuchini once in a while too. They aren't crazy about those but they will eat it when everything else is gone. In the spring I am going to try them on dandelion greens and see if they like those. I have tried other fruits and veggies but they wouldn't touch them at all. They all hate collard greens and 2 of my girls hate oranges. I haven't tried Charity with oranges yet.

Right now green peppers are 3 for $1. Usually they are only 2 for $1. I cut up 1/4 of the pepper for them a day. I was giving them parsley but they prefer cilantro and I think cilantro is better for them as I don't think it has near the calcium that parsley has.

I felt really bad this morning because I had given them the last of their lettuce last night and I was waiting for my dad to come over and take me grocery shopping (I don't have a car right now) and he was very late getting here. They only got peppers, green beans, cilantro and some kale (they don't eat much of the kale) for their morning meal. So when I finally got home from grocery shopping I fixed them a huge salad and they forgave me, lol.
I know a piggy that eats ' andijvie' every day. He loves it. I don't know the proper translation, it looks like this: (broken link removed) and he still is very healty.
Mine get all kinds of fruit and vegetables every day. Most of the time red peppers, lettuce and ' andijvie', but I'll try to mix as much as I can with carrots, tomatoes, apples and whatever they sell!
Give them a variaty, not only will they like this best but it means they're getting a wide range of different vitamins :)

Kale, cucumber, broccolli, apples, oranges, grapes, celery, dandelions (they love this) and grass which is a nice treat in the winter when they cant get on the grass because of rain :(

Just a little of lots of things a day!
Andijvie = endive
Those are good too.
Ah thank you I really coudn't find the translation. They also like this endive (google says it's called belgian endive?) (broken link removed)
ChattyCoCo- yeah you are right about the now and then carrot giving, I'm pretty sure it's the vitamin A. Also, I read somewhere ( I think it was a cavymadness thread) warning about the toxicity of raisins and grapes. Before I read that I had fed my pigs grapes but haven't since. So I don't know if you want to continue feeding your pigs raisins- it's just what I read.
I feed half a carrot to my boys everyday. Also, I give them coriander (cilantro), parsley, romaine lettuce, cucumbers and fresh green grass everyday. Then I give them peppers, kale, tomatoes, cauliflower (once a week) every now and again for variety. I also give them apples once or twice a week. They don't like fruit that much
I know there is a toxicity of raisins and grapes in dogs but I haven't found anything to suggest it is the same for piggies. I can cut down on the raisins I give them now to once or twice a week special treats. I definately don't want anything happening to my girls.

I tried looking for the thread you mentioned at cavymadness but the site is down for maintenance right now, I will look later. I will also do a search at GL for raisins and grapes and see what I find there.
jaytori220 said:
what are good veggies that i can feed everyday without problems? some sites are very vauge about feeding them. they just say what can be fed, but dont say what can be fed everyday and what can be fed in moderation.
I buy a large bag of spring mix salad from my local warehouse club (Sam's Club). It has a good variety of greens without any iceburg lettuce. It's about $3.00 for a pound and can last a week for 1 pig. You can also get a smaller bag of Dole's spring mix at your local grocery store, but it is more expensive.
I also get a salad mix already washed in a container, expensive $4.00 but worth it. It lasts a week cause i mix it with other things. They love it. Also they get oranges 3 times a week, kale, twice a week, parsley twice a week, green, red, yellow peppers, endive, carrots, apples twice a week, grapes once a week, baby spinach twice a week, a nice assortment.
Rocinante said:
I buy a large bag of spring mix salad from my local warehouse club (Sam's Club). It has a good variety of greens without any iceburg lettuce. It's about $3.00 for a pound and can last a week for 1 pig. You can also get a smaller bag of Dole's spring mix at your local grocery store, but it is more expensive.
spring mix salads! that sounds like a plan. i live right behind our Sams club here. ive actually bought it before for myself.
I have been a member of GL a little longer than I have been here. I know most of those pages by heart already.
ChattyCoCo said:
I have been a member of GL a little longer than I have been here. I know most of those pages by heart already.
huh? Where did that come from? Lol.
Sorry, that was kind of in reply to John4216's message about the link he had to GL. I had replied about raisins and grapes and said I was going to look on GL for some additional info on them.
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