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Veg*n Going to go Vegetarian and Organic


Cavy Champion, Previous Forum Moderator
Cavy Slave
Mar 7, 2005
Been researching this site and others. I have asthma. I have been reading about perservatives and suger and that it can cause and make asthma worse.
I have not been eating alot of red meat anyway as I'm not overly fond of it.
My favorite meat is poultry. I have also been reading about the way animals are treated for those of us who do eat meat. I feel in my heart that; how can I love animals and then eat them? PETA sent me an article on cows that are called "downers". I was so sick and I just cried. I can't watch the video on meat as I cannot see an animal killed. I was fooling myself thinking as long as it was a piece of meat that had no fur or eyes I could eat it.
I have spent the day reading every link on the farms and how the animals are treated. I can not kill another animal for me, be it chicken, turkey, pig or cow.
The other part of this is my health. I know you all are a wealth of information on GP's as well as vegeterian eating. So I will be visiting this part of the forum more often you can be sure.
I am lucky for in Tucson we have several wonderful health food stores, that carry vitamins along with herbs and fruits and vegetables. I live where I can grow some of my own vegetables too. (for the piggies also).
So here goes. New eating and to better health for me and a few animals.
Way to go, Suzi! I have been a veg for over 14 years and feel so much better about myself and my place on this earth. Stick with your convictions and educate when possible. Never had to explore the asthma connection but I hope it improves for you.
Unfortunately in the area I live it is quite difficult to source organic produce. I do try though and you can buy some veggies and odds and ends form the supermarket. We have only one health food shop and their supply of organic food is pretty dire.

I wish I had a garden to grow lot's of yummy stuff! I am a vegetarian by the way...trying to go vegan.
Can't say I have done as well as I would have liked. It's coming. It has to be done one day, one hour, or even one minute at a time. I have looked up more links and making up a menu for next week. I find if I don't plan ahead for work or home meals I fail easier.
We will shortly have all meat out of the house. I think I am going to give my son (who is not a vegetarian) all the poultry that is left in the freezer so I am not tempted.
For me it's planning and commitment. I am not giving up.
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