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Go parents

My mom thinks the pigs are neat, but isnt TOO wild about them I do catch her talking to them sometimes though. My dad thinks they're awesome. He brings them snack, holds them all and talks to them. They're all his little buddies. I pay for all of my own supplies, but if I get into a jam and need some extra stuff or I just need a bit of help, they never complain about helping me out. They're great about it. Out of everyone, Id have to give my boyfriend the most credit though, he's great w/ them. We split the work half and half. He loves the piggies just as much as I do. * I made him obsessed..hehe*
I'm the parent too and they are actually my pigs. We call them "the rats" or sometimes even the "friggin' rats" but that's all with great affection. I actually like rats and had two when I was little - they were great pets and very affectionate. I must say though that piggies are far cuter than rats.
I'm the parent as well. The pigs are my little buddies. My son rarely has anything to do with them. He might pet one once in a great while. He has a dwarf hammie and I pay for all the supplies for his hammie, all the piggies and my dwarf hammie too. I don't live with my parents, but they love my girls. When my dad comes over he always goes to the cage and talks to them and if I have one of the girls out he will take her and play with her and pet her. When mom is here, she has to hold Chatty and Moppy. She doesn't hold CoCo much because she is a biggggg handful and she likes Charity but doesn't like her (as my mom terms it) "demon red eyes". When my daughter is here (she lives with her dad) she has a blast playing with the piggers. She loves to brush them and give them treats.
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