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Giving them bottled water?


Well-known Member
Cavy Gazer
Mar 7, 2005
Is it dangerous in any way to give them bottled instead of tap? I was wondering because on oxbow they have special bottled water so I wonder if I could give them a brand like nestle purelife. The ingrediants in that are:purified water, calcium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, and magnesium sulfate.
mineral water would probably be cleaner than top water
Piglet said:
mineral water would probably be cleaner than top water

So does that mean it's ok since Nestle purelife is mineral water?
I read somewhere that you are not supposed to give them distilled water. But I can't find it.

I would not give them mineral water because it may contain things they don't need. Straight bottled water like Aquafina or Dannon or Poland Spirngs.

I drink Evian bottled water (https://www.evian.com/) but I would never give it to my pigs.
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I think I've read somewhere that distilled water isn't good for them. I don't even drink the tap water so I'm not about to give it to my piggy. Good question...
I think distilled and mineral would be very bad choices.
I thought mineral water is bottled water? Why don't you just filter tap water?
Slap...you should never drink a product that is NAIVE spelled backwords

it's a joke but partially true
Haha!I didn't realize that.
Piglet said:
I thought mineral water is bottled water? Why don't you just filter tap water?

Mineral water has minerals added to it. Bottled water like Aquafina is just purified drinking water. A filter for tap water would initially be more expensive, but less in the long run.
slap_maxwell said:
A filter for tap water would initially be more expensive, but less in the long run.

You can buy a pitcher with a filter at Walmart or Target for about $20. The lid has a filter, so you fill the pitcher through the lid/filter and refrigerate the whole thing.
I do have one of those, but rarely use it.
Does the filter work as well as one of those connected the the faucet? I don't use either, we buy cases of bottled water at Costco. But the pigs get tap water because they waste so much.
I only give my piggies filtered water - I have to assume with all the stuff in tap water it just can't be good for them. I have a brita pitcher and change the filter every couple of months.

Ketsus, how are you doing?
My piggies have never even tasted tap water. We have our own well, but it taste very metallic so we have a water cooler and that is what they drink. However, I always get bottles of natural spring water, not any of that other fancy stuff.
You would have to look and see how long the filter lasts, I know the new Brita Aqua View's (connects to faucet) filter lasts four months, and I believe it is replacable. I don't know how long the pitcher lasts. The pitcher works well, but it takes a long time to purify and it can't do large amounts. I would suggest buying the faucet one, because you could stop spending so much on bottled water.
I don't get why distilled water would be bad for them. It's stright H20. No minerals. Nothing. We use it at work for all of our food anaylisis so the minerals found in other waters don't throw off the tests.
My bottle water only costs me $2.99 about every 2 weeks, so it really isn't expensive. Personally, I can't stand the taste of any tap water that is filtered and you wouldn't be able to either if you tasted my water. Its great for cooking, but I would never drink it. Also, our water is regulated by rainfall and snow melting, so it isn't always reliable. When we get too much rain it turns brown and too little rain means we have to conserve. We have had bottled water now for about 10 years and I would never think of changing to something else, especially since I drink about 20-30 glasses a day.
20-30 glasses a day? I drink maybe 4. Which I know is not good for me.
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