Questions, questions! Hi everyone. So glad I found this wonderful site!!!! I'm getting 2 piggies today (from a littler of 3). My first question is.....should I worry about getting two of the same sex? If I got a m/f from the same litter, wouldn't that be bad if they mated? If I got 2 males, will they get along as they mature? Same question if I get 2 females? I do not care in the least what sex the babies are that I get, I just don't want to mix two that shouldn't be mixed. I do not know what the sexes are of the litter yet, that's why I'm not sure what I'll be getting.....I just know I would like two. The last question I have is about a litter box in the cage. What is the best thing to use for litter? Not cat litter I assume??? Thanks for any and all tips. I'm so excited!