I'm in the process of attempting to get my parents to agree to let me buy/adopt/find/resque several cavies. I have some general questions about them and don't know if this is the right place to ask but, here goes.
1. How many is the right number? I know not to get just one, but I don't want to just go out and get the first Cavy I see. I was under the impression that these are animals that are far more personal than say, gerbils (which I have several of). If I am only able to find one that I like at first, how hard is it to introduce new cavies to my pet? With gerbils, it's been my experience that it is next to impossible to introduce new gerbils to each other after they've reached sexual maturity. Is this the same with cavies? Or are they far more friendly? Would they be excepting?
2. What gender? This, also, is along the lines of the same question, how many of that gender. With gerbils, I made the mistake of buying males and females, which reproduced far faster than I could manage. I was thinking about getting three females. Would this be okay? Would I have dominance problems? Do cavies even have dominance problems? I was thinking three females because I've become worried about having to have male cavies neutered and I've heard that impaction is more common among them.
3. Where? The only places, locally, that I have seen cavies at are the local pet stores, and it seems that's really frowned upon here. I don't believe my local SPCA has them, either. Does anyone know of any sort of shelter in the Richmond, Virginia area? I did do some sort of shelter search for my local area (I can't recall the name of it though) but I believe that the only small pets I were able to find were ferrets. Does anyone have any suggestions here?
4. I was planning on having the cage in my room, any noises they make wouldn't be a problem for me, I was more worried about the fact that my room can get dusty. (Mainly from the fact that I have several gerbils in here). Would this be harmful for them? Would I need to either move the gerbils or buy some sort of air filter? It doesn't personally bother me, I just have to wipe off my computer monitor/tv a lot. And would loud noises bother them (such as from telivision shows or computer games). I personally don't play loud stuff often, but occassionally...
5. I have tried to do research on them, so I think I know what sort of responsibilities I'm getting into, however, the one thing I don't believe I'd read about is if they need to take normal (checkups, I'm not refering to a vet visit if I think there is something wrong) visits to the vet (as a dog or cat would.) If they do, what sort of cost would I be looking at?
6. Does anyone here have a border collie? What kind of experience have you had with him and the cavies? I have a border collie who, in my experience, has been good with the gerbils. (There was an instance where a gerbil escaped from a ball while in the same room as a cat and my dog, the dog chased the cat away.) While the cat, sadly, has passed away, if I keep the cavy cage elevated high enough off the ground, would I still need to make a top?
7. Temperature, I know that I've read that drafts are not good for them, and that rapidly changing temperatures arent' either. What sort of temperature do they prefer? Do they like it cool, cold, hot?
If I do end up getting cavies (which I hopefully will), I want to be able to provide the best home I can to them. So thanks for any responses. And if I've accidently asked something addressed somewhere else, could you please point it out? I did try to research as well as I could, but I'm not perfect.
Thanks. (And wow, this turned out a lot longer than I had thought, oops.)
1. How many is the right number? I know not to get just one, but I don't want to just go out and get the first Cavy I see. I was under the impression that these are animals that are far more personal than say, gerbils (which I have several of). If I am only able to find one that I like at first, how hard is it to introduce new cavies to my pet? With gerbils, it's been my experience that it is next to impossible to introduce new gerbils to each other after they've reached sexual maturity. Is this the same with cavies? Or are they far more friendly? Would they be excepting?
2. What gender? This, also, is along the lines of the same question, how many of that gender. With gerbils, I made the mistake of buying males and females, which reproduced far faster than I could manage. I was thinking about getting three females. Would this be okay? Would I have dominance problems? Do cavies even have dominance problems? I was thinking three females because I've become worried about having to have male cavies neutered and I've heard that impaction is more common among them.
3. Where? The only places, locally, that I have seen cavies at are the local pet stores, and it seems that's really frowned upon here. I don't believe my local SPCA has them, either. Does anyone know of any sort of shelter in the Richmond, Virginia area? I did do some sort of shelter search for my local area (I can't recall the name of it though) but I believe that the only small pets I were able to find were ferrets. Does anyone have any suggestions here?
4. I was planning on having the cage in my room, any noises they make wouldn't be a problem for me, I was more worried about the fact that my room can get dusty. (Mainly from the fact that I have several gerbils in here). Would this be harmful for them? Would I need to either move the gerbils or buy some sort of air filter? It doesn't personally bother me, I just have to wipe off my computer monitor/tv a lot. And would loud noises bother them (such as from telivision shows or computer games). I personally don't play loud stuff often, but occassionally...
5. I have tried to do research on them, so I think I know what sort of responsibilities I'm getting into, however, the one thing I don't believe I'd read about is if they need to take normal (checkups, I'm not refering to a vet visit if I think there is something wrong) visits to the vet (as a dog or cat would.) If they do, what sort of cost would I be looking at?
6. Does anyone here have a border collie? What kind of experience have you had with him and the cavies? I have a border collie who, in my experience, has been good with the gerbils. (There was an instance where a gerbil escaped from a ball while in the same room as a cat and my dog, the dog chased the cat away.) While the cat, sadly, has passed away, if I keep the cavy cage elevated high enough off the ground, would I still need to make a top?
7. Temperature, I know that I've read that drafts are not good for them, and that rapidly changing temperatures arent' either. What sort of temperature do they prefer? Do they like it cool, cold, hot?
If I do end up getting cavies (which I hopefully will), I want to be able to provide the best home I can to them. So thanks for any responses. And if I've accidently asked something addressed somewhere else, could you please point it out? I did try to research as well as I could, but I'm not perfect.
Thanks. (And wow, this turned out a lot longer than I had thought, oops.)