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Fur Mites


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jun 11, 2004
My piggie had fur mites. I treated him myself with a mite spray that was marked as safe for cavies. I've sprayed him a LOT of times now. I think the mites are gone, and the spray really brought my other cavy back to health. Is this ok or am I really reducing their numbers only to have them still there? Do I need to see a vet? These mites are just more of a nuisance than anything to my piggies. It's a bit itchy, but that's about it. Trust me, if they were in severe pain I would rush them straight to a vet. Has anyone tried this before? Any help would be appreciated--thanks! =)
I thought that your supposed to use ivermectin go to valleyvet.com. But yeah i've never really heard of mite spray before. Maybe from a petstore but not any where else. Hope I helped.
Mite Problem

My GP had mites a while ago. Trust me if they are there for a while they can make him bleed. I took her to the vet and he gave me a bottle of medicine that she had to drink. I gave her some each day through a dropper. It really cleared her up in less that a week. I think that you should probably take him to a vet. At least he can tell you for sure if you got rid of them, and if not then he can give you medicine. That is what I would do anyway. I know how uncomfortable Gp gets If they get bad. Good luck!
I had to take my piggy to the vet today for the same type of problem. He had been itch,a nd after I gave him a bath I saw some tinny tiny bugs around his face. I went to the pet store and they sold me some mite spray for birds, but safe for pigs. I used it and it seems to have worked, although Teebo stillhas some bald patches and hair that fell out, but he isnt itching anymore.

But since i am going out of town tomorrow I wanted to be safe rather than sorry so thats why I took him to the vet. Teh vet said he didnt have the skin fungus,s o thats good, but did take some skin scrapings to test. I won't have the results back for a week and it cost $70, but it was worth it to know that he will be ok while I am gone.

If I were you I would take him to the vet, better safe than sorry!
mncavylover said:
My piggie had fur mites. I treated him myself with a mite spray that was marked as safe for cavies. I've sprayed him a LOT of times now. I think the mites are gone, and the spray really brought my other cavy back to health. Is this ok or am I really reducing their numbers only to have them still there? Do I need to see a vet? These mites are just more of a nuisance than anything to my piggies. It's a bit itchy, but that's about it. Trust me, if they were in severe pain I would rush them straight to a vet. Has anyone tried this before? Any help would be appreciated--thanks! =)
Dump the mite spray and use Ivermectin. Sprays are useless, but Ivermectin is real medicine and is very effective.

Read this for more info on Ivermectin: https://guinealynx.info/ivermectin.html

You can use it orally or topically. I prefer topical for its ease (apply in the bald spots behind ears) and its effectiveness against not only mange but also fur mites and lice when used topically.

I have treated my entire herd with Ivermectin. It's 100% safe when dosed and used properly. Be careful with dosing, overdoses can be deadly. Do three treatments, 7-10 days apart, since Ivermectin does not kill the mite eggs, so multiple treatments ensure you kill the emerging mites.
Thanks so much guys! I had a feeling this would appen, so I've already planned to have an appointment if the pigs are worse. (Note: the pigs are with a sitter now. I've only just gotten back from the UK tonight; It's 2 am there! I've gotta adjust because of jet lag so I'm staying up.) If they are worse I will take them "straight away" to the vet asap. I think I will anyhow. I've been worried this whole vacation! I'll give you an update as soon as I see the piggers... picking up at 12 tomorrow. Night! =) Thanks again

They're baaack! =) As I suspected, they still have mites. Mine has it the worst, though. We're taking them in today, my dad took off work to help. Just an update. =)
Oh no! Well I hope you get rid of them soon. Good luck.
Yes, they had mites. Took them in yesterday at 11 am. The vet gave them each a shot. It was hard to hear them squeaking then, though, but at least I knew I was doing the right thing. They go back on the 7th and the 14th. Now I feel better knowing that they are safe! =) Thanks for all your help.
You could have even ordered it yourself and applied it topically, behind the ears. Topical is easy and more effective (and less painful!) than shots.

It's good that you got them treated. I also noticed your vet is treating them in a three dose series a week apart. Good job.
Thanks everyone!

Thanks! I asked my vet and she said that topical Ivermec doesn't always work as well because mites burrow. That's also why my spray didn't kill all the mites. I'm not sure about the topical not being effective, though. Today the pigs are looking happier than they were! They're popcorning around a lot. My brother's cavy, Pig, is also rumbling again. He's back to normal!
Your spray probably didn't have Ivermectin in it. Also, Ivermectin is very effective topically. It kills mange mites as well as fur mites because the Ivermectin is absorbed into the skin.

To apply topically, you must apply it to bare skin. Behind the ears works very well.
Ok, thanks a lot for your help. =) Also, thanks for answering about the topical medicine. If my pigs have to get any more than three shots I will ask my vet about that. It would certainly save my pigs pain and might even save some money. Thanks again for the suggestion! =)

Update: The pigs had their second shot today. It's also my birthday tomorrow! (15)
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