I also wanna post a cute short not really a story..something..ANYways, when my pigs had babies (we didn't try, it was accidental) they had 2 BEAUTIFUL babies 1 I still have,
thats baby Tilly, I remeber when Tilly and his sibling Piglet (reason of the name) would always cuddle together and fall asleep and when the mom wouldn't let Piglet drink from her, Tilly would always run back to Piglet and they would cuddle =) but sadly one day Piglet was breathing so fast laying on his side I didn't know what to do, there was nothing I could do, I couldn't help myself, I picked him up and he just WOUldnt BREATHE, I practically had a heart attack so I ZOOMED to get my dad, and when he got there....Piglet was...dead ;( I cried for a whole month non-stop that poor little creature, whom I loved so much, what a HOrrid January 2005 it was.......R.I.P. my beloved Piglet ;(