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Reference Frozen Veggie Cubes


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Sep 24, 2011
So, I haven't tried this idea out yet, I'd like to know what ya'll think.

I just got (broken link removed) juicer from Costco. Basically, you can put any fruit/veggie inside and it turns into juice.

Would it be a good idea to add water to a juice drink (ie: bell pepper and apple) then out it in an ice tray and freeze it, then give it to Ginger? I know that pigs love ice cubes, so I though they'd like them even more if they were "veggie flavored" lol.

Okay, now shoot me down. :D
I think your idea sounds great. But I had heard that freezing the fruits and veggies
takes some of the nutrition away. But mixing fruits and veggies will make it lower
in sugar. Arinot this will be interesting to find out what other people think.
I asked about htis just now befor I saw your voting thread.
Why not just give them the actual veggies? Seems like juicing then freezing, is adding extra steps. Also, I think changing the physical properties of them takes some of the nutritional integrity out of them.
I think she was thinking of cool summer treats, maybe not juice them all the way.
so that they are junky
Has anyone tried it? I wonder if they'll try them or just ignore them.
This sounds like a fun idea! I might try it if I get the chance.
@CavyMama, this was just going to be a one time thing. A treat. Probably like a once a month fruit or veggie from the nutrition chart. I wasn't planning to do it for all of her veggies, so nutritional value is not much of a concern here. Also, I've given her a normal ice cube before and she really liked it, pushing it around her cage and stuff. I thought she'd like it more if it was veggie/fruit flavored.
I just give mine minced frozen veggies. Kind of like a shaved ice consistency. It's good for summers when it's a bit warmer.

I also don't think freezing things destroys any nutritional quality. Juicing does reduce nutrients, as some are left behind in the pulp. Since this is a summer treat, I don't see how it's a big deal if it loses some minerals/vitamins anyways.
Agreed, freezing isn't that big of a deal :) I'd give it a try, I'm sure your pig will enjoy it.
I am not sure if you gave it once in awhile for a treat if it would be okay, but whole food is always best. Whenever you juice something you are concentrating the nutrition and the sugars and it throws the whole balance off. I was given a juicer for Christmas one year and thought I would be so much healthier. Wrong. It was a little too much for my system. I won't gross you out with the details. A piece of whole veggie or fruit for a treat would give the proper balance of fiber, etc.
I like this idea. Maybe ill try it! After I read this I gave my piggies a little ice cube. They loved it :)
I like this idea. Maybe ill try it! After I read this I gave my piggies a little ice cube. They loved it :)

Thanks, that is why I want to try it. She loves ice cubes so I think she would love veggie/fruit flavored ones even more. :)
I am not sure if you gave it once in awhile for a treat if it would be okay, but whole food is always best. Whenever you juice something you are concentrating the nutrition and the sugars and it throws the whole balance off.

Again, this was just going to be a one time treat. Nutritional value is not a concern. I know that whole food is always best, she will be getting that every night as usual.
I have done this.Only with carrots and water.Tomorrow,I am going to try dadelions,grass,carrots and basil.
mine were so silly they just looked at it they didnt know what to do with a regular icecube so i wont do this
I'm confused. I saw on another cavy forum that frozen veggies are a big no-no. On the other hand, for humans frozen veggies are supposed to be better than supermarket fresh because freezing process prevents the depletion of nutrients that happens from transport and storage. I'm not in a position to grow my own, so am I better off mixing some frozen veggies into my piggies' diet or not?
Freezing does result in a loss of nutritional value. On the other hand, frozen veggies are pretty much picked, processed and frozen, where as veggies in the supermarket may have been sitting around for days. Plus, they sit in my refrigerator for more days after that. So I'm not convinced that a frozen veggie would be worse for pigs than those that have been sitting around for days.

Obviously, some vegetables freeze better than others. Tomatoes turn to mush, while corn holds its shape pretty well.

Either way, I doubt that frozen vegetables will kill them.
Ok? Completely ok!

As you said this is for a treat, so in comparison to what many consider a treat for your cavy this is full of fruits and veggies. No additives or preservatives to worry about.

This of course can not and should not replace their normal diet, as you already stated it would not.

It sounds fun and exciting and I myself look forward to trying it. My only concern would be the mess of it melting and getting the juices all over my fleece. Maybe a dish to put it in, but what fun is that if they can't push it around? Any ideas on that?
.My only concern would be the mess of it melting and getting the juices all over my fleece. Maybe a dish to put it in, but what fun is that if they can't push it around? Any ideas on that?

I would suggest either giving it to them when they have "floor time." Or you could put the cube into a roasting pan with a small fleece blanket or a towel so they could push it around the small area with out getting your main cage fleece nasty. You could even just line your cage with a towel for the time being and then take it out when they finish the cube...

This is one thing I haven't tried yet... It's been on my "to do" list for months - I think since this was originally posted, but I just haven't gotten around to it yet...
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