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Found a site I wasn't happy with...

They're actually very good for hamsters' teeth but I wouldn't consider feeding one to either of my guinea pigs for one minute!
That website is pretty bad...But nearly every childrens book or even book about guinea pigs had some type of wrong info. The books are old, but this website is new, *claps* to kat_ for showing us this!! :D
I am pleased that they are looking at Cavy Cages, and feel a little badly for being so harsh at first in my response. They did print a portion of my comments, and that's great as it references Cavy Cages! The pictures of the babies are just so cute, it's tough to keep the anti-breeding stance when looking at those tiny little "teddy bears"....so cute!

Still, my 5 are keeping us hopping (and tripping to the store constantly to get more romaine more cilantro, and having tons of problems finding Oxbow pellets at a reasonable price....) so, it's not too difficult to look at and appreciate the safe births but not go that direction myself. My hubby would skin me alive if I tried to get any more pigs. He likes them but the costs with all the "pig treats" that are costing almost more than the humans in the family....I wouldn't push him with more piggers ;)
I'm so shocked that my post got such a huge response! (even a few from Ly and Voodoo-TY very much) I wasn't expecting 3 pages worth!
I'm also happy to hear that the owners seem genuinely interested in putting correct info on their webpage. I assume it will take some to get their information "correct" and added to the site.
Thanks for the *claps* Sagwa-although I found the website through a little looking-I think it was from the piggy memory game Slap posted in another thread. They had other links such as a "piggy trivia" test, pac-cavy, guinea pig catch, and a GP word search. All cute, but mainly...just cute. :eek:)
I hope, since the site turns up so often from cavy web searches, that things will be set straight and the information corrected.
And thanks SO MUCH to everyone who has emailed and posted to this site! Let's keep it up!
The response from Clarice after my posts on thier forum.
Hi Setsuna,

Thanks for visiting us at Animal-World!

You have some great information and suggestions. We really appreciate your time and effort to make this a better site. We will try to incorporate your stuff as best we can.

Some things we will do...Like...rewriting the the minimum space requirements, obviously it is being mis-interpreted to say this is exactly what they need, rather than the minimum per pet...and it needs to stress they need time out to exercise if they are sleeping in this small of an area.

Also, even though there are sources (books, and other published literature) used here that indicate litter as a bedding, we don't feel it needs to necessarily be included. The same with the treats, and some of the foods, and some of the illness suggestions....we will reduce and change the suggestions, (not necessary to include, people can get a book to read about them, that's okay...or talk to a vet.)

We are also asking Wildlife to review the page, as she has worked in a veterinarian situation for many years with these animals, and can give us some better suggestions, or we can remove the suggestions...

Have to let you know what she comes up with here...

Again thanks, and we will see what we can do to make this a better page for folks!
Thankfully the site seems to be maintained by someone who is willing to take advice and amend the information supplied - many sites will not listen to any advice and by doing this will just keep on supplying people with incorrect and harmful cavy care info.

It looks like that person who wrote you back seemes very nice, and willing.
Wow, Clarice is a very gracious and responsible person. Personally Im surprised they responded at all after what was said about them here. They would also have to be "truly" 99% idiotic to actually post a link to this site, or recommend it in any way, after all the bashing and insinuations that are posted here. You have succeeded in getting better information on their site, but the means was deplorable.

By the way.. on a side note. Did you know that there are people who believe the earth is flat, and that it is only 6 thousand years old? Go figure... some peoples opinions!

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I sent them an email and this is the response I got back too:

Hi Tinkerbell,

Thanks for visiting us at www.Animal-World.com

You wrote:
]I am not sure what this site is trying to promote but it's horrible! Since when is having a raccoon okay or even a squiral? GP's need way more space then 2 feet each! They should have a cage that is the right size to their needs. go to cavycages (.com) to find out more and to go to their forum to get the right info."

You input is wonderful, and we're glad you have shared you thoughts. [/size]

We have received another comment relating to your concern, and are working at reflecting this on the site. Though we provide general information, we certainly want it to be the best, and you are certainly helping us to think about some of these things and the best way to provide important information.

Much of the information provided here is derived from the current books and literature that are published on these animals, but we are aware that new research is always done and there is always new information. So we are excited to share new stuff, and eliminate "old" stuff! We list the books and literature we referenced on our reference page if you would like to see where lots of this info came from.You can get these books in pet stores or from Amazon.com.

We have already made some changes to the page to reflect some of the new information we have received on guinea pigs. Oh, also, we have a veterinarian tech who has worked with these animals for many years, and she has been asked to review the page to help us update it and make sure the information is correct. You may want to give it a couple of days for her input to be incorporated, so that it will better reflect the most current care, husbandry, and medical advice. Who knows, this may just turn out to be a most awesome page with all this great help!

I am not activating your comment at this time, not because I don't think its great!, but let me share with you the reasons. When you fill out the comment form, it instructs you that urls and email addresses cannot be included here (sorry, Advertisers have made restrictions on this). Also, this is designed for folks to share their pets and their pet experiences with visitors. The comment area is not a place where folks can share their thoughts back with you, but for that you can share you ideas in the forum. So be sure to check out the forum!

Thanks again!
[email protected]

the part about the vet tech on hand---- BULL! I'm sorry but I don't belive that.
Tink- is that paraphased? She sent the same thing to me. Now I am mad.

And they do have a vet tech.
what is there is just copied and pasted to this page from my e-mail
tinkerbell said:
what is there is just copied and pasted to this page from my e-mail

Normally I would cut the email out of your post as emails and quotes from websites should not be pasted directly onto the forum without paraphasing them. Often that type of material is protected by copyright laws.

However one of our newest members, who apparantly works for the website in question, said that we are welcome to use anything on their websie. I expect this also means we are allowed to post their form emails they send out.

So this time no problem but in the future please paraphrase items like that.
I should have known they would have been like this. Really, they have gone down hill in my book.
I don't see the problem here. You sent complaints that seem to be rather similar, so why should she go and rephrase everything she said in one email for the other? Of course she uses copy & paste - this is exactly what I'd do, too. I think what she wrote sounds very sensible and good-willing, so please don't be annoyed that she didn't use new phrases for everything she said.

And honestly - her letter was FAR more polite than yours.
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That's sickening!
Teria said:
And honestly - her letter was FAR more polite than yours.

Who's was rude? I don't think mine was... I tried to be decent but strong at the same time, I don't see any problem with what I wrote.
oh! I'm really sorry! If this site had gotten in trouble or something |- sorry again, I won't do it again and this was teh first time, so very sorry everyone, but I thought that it wouldn't hurt for everyone else to read it too.

No problem was caused. Don't sweat it. They did give us their permission after all.
This site is bad too. Photo of pigs on wire bottom cage, says they'll use an exercise wheel and ball, don't kill ABs because it'll kill them, and don't bother to see a vet because they don't know anything about gps.

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