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Found a site I wasn't happy with...

A load of stupid info. I really wonder where they got all that info from :eek:( The part about bread soaked in milk... I've heard babies can have that.. but I suppose the info gets passed round and everyone thinks its right.
zakfoxmom said:
Dog biscuts!?!?!?! Aren't those only meant for what they are called, Dogs? I would never even consider giving Cinnamon and Coco a dog biscut.

Definetily NEVER feed biscuits to guinea pigs. They contain corn meal, animal fat, and meat. Thoses are all big no-no's for pigs.
Myspoiltpiggies said:
The part about bread soaked in milk... I've heard babies can have that..

Both bread and milk are not good for babies and adults alike. It's a breeder thing.
Argh! My post has been deleted! Why?! Because I linked to guinealynx. You can't post links to other sites with forums. What a bunch of bull.
If you read the first line on that page it says that "Guinea pigs make great pets, especially as first pets for children, because they very rarely bite even if handled roughly." is this to encourage people to get them for their kids, because they wont bite and the kids can be rough with them then?
Well, they WILL bite if you hand them food and don't get your finger out of the way, as my son will testify to!

They are gentle, but that is NO excuse to treat them roughly in any way; from what I've experienced it's just the opposite. They are fragile and they must be treated with care!

I only hold out hope that the author finds the Cavy Cages forum and learns from the people here.
I am literally fuming over the medical advice. You don't use sprays or powders on a pig for lice or mites, it can kill them. Piggies don't get colds, they get URI's. They don't get diarrhea from too many fresh greens. If people are told to just feed lettuce and don't know not to feed iceburg then yes they can get diahrrea from too much iceburg. They did get the liquid Vit C in the water correct, they said not to put it in.
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I got a responce! (paraphrased)

We have received another comment relating to many of these same thoughts, and are working at reflecting them on the site. Though we provide just general information, we certainly want it to be the very best, and you are certainly helping us to think about some of these things and the best way to provide important information.

Much of the information provided here is derived from some current books and literature that are published on these animals, but we are aware that new research is always done and there is always new information. So we are excited to share new stuff, and eliminate "old" stuff! We list all the books and literature we referenced on our reference page if you would like to see where lots of this info came from.You can get these books in pet stores or from Amazon.com.

I am not activating your comment at this time, not because I don't think its great!, but just because it contains several quotes that have already been updated. So I thought you may wish to revisit the page and see what you think first.

Oh, also, we have a veterinarian tech who has worked with these animals for many years, and she has been asked to review the page to help us update it and make sure the information is correct. You may want to give it a couple of days for her input to be incorporated, so that it will better reflect the most current care, husbandry, and medical advice. Who knows, this may just turn out to be a most awesome page with all this great help!

Thanks again!
[email protected]
ps. Also, the comment area is not a place where folks can share their thoughts back with you! (Advertiser have made restrictions) But for that you can share you ideas in the forum. So be sure to check out the forum!
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My responce:

Thank you for replying.

Most of the books out there are writtern by breeders, who feel that a
cavy can survive in 2 sq. ft. of space. How would you feel if you
lived, ate, had to excercize, and went to the bathroom in an area the
size of a walk in closet? Please consider adding a link to
www.guineapigcages.com, which is the best, and ultimate housing for cavies.

The BEST site for guinea pig health is www.guinealynx.com. It is
written by the top exotics veterinarians. I advise you to correct the
medications part. (Powder or spray for mites ineffective and can kill
a guinea pig, pigs get URIs, not colds, etc.)

Also, please do not advocate breeding guinea pigs. See
https://cavyspirit.com/breeding.htm for more. There is a huge
overpopulation problem. Rescues and shelters are always full.

It is unlikely that the vet tech will know much, if anything about
guinea pigs. Vet school has little to no teaching about these exotics. [I wrote back and apologized, because apparently the tech has worked with cavies, but I asked to review the information]

I am here to correctly answer any questions that you might have, and I
honestly thank you for changing your webpage, and I also truly beleive
it could be one of the few with good, correct info. Thank you, and
feel free to ask anything.

Bailey (Slap)
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Terrific, Slap!!!
Im glad you got a response. I have no idea why anyone would imagine that you wouldn't. Animal-World.com is obviously a pet lovers site owned by pet lovers. Any mis-information would be handled immediately.

Im glad you decided to lighten up in leiu of some of the comments I've heard on this thread.

I've given a comment that gives a link to cavy cages, but they're editing and proofing every comment before publication. I'd be happy to wager a bet that it will NEVER be published!

Pages that are published on the site itself (user comments) are heavily edited. Can you imagine what you would be publishing if they weren't? Forums are open to anyone, but not the site itself. It is stated on the "Add your Comment" page that emails and urls will not be published. This is for privacy reasons.

I am sorry for posting so many of these idiots comments who are actually getting information from this crap site, but i just can't control myself.

Calling people, who are well intentioned and expressing their love for the pets, "idiots" is just cruel. I can only hope the little girl(s) that wrote the quoted comments don't come here and find your comment. (A comment like this would not be posted anywhere at Animal-World).

I submitted a "comment" telling them that they need to correct their information... I tried to make it sound as nice as possible; hopefully by being courteous they may listen! Doubtful, but I figured it was worth a shot.

Being courteous is the respect we give everyone in our daily lives. The staff at Animal-World looks at every comment seriously and updates the site accordingly. It's obvious they have put alot of time and effort into a quality pet site. No doubt. Check the comment page, its probably there right now.

Guinea Gal. I know you mean well but please stop copying the comments, or any other part, of a webpage and directly posting it on the board. Websites are protected by copyright laws and there could potentially be problems.

Animal-World is known for giving everything away. Any picture or information owned by them is free to anyone who asks, as well as those who don't.

Wow, that's quite a lot of bad information. You'd think that someone with internet access & the ability to put a site together would be able to do research about basic care. I wonder what their sources are?

Every word at Animal-World is researched. A list of references can be found here: https://animal-world.com/encyclo/information/references.htm

If you read the first line on that page it says that "Guinea pigs make great pets, especially as first pets for children, because they very rarely bite even if handled roughly." is this to encourage people to get them for their kids, because they wont bite and the kids can be rough with them then?

If you have ever worked in the pet industry you would know that the first thing a customer asks is "Do they bite?". It is one of the qualities of guinea pigs that their temperment is such that they rarely do, as opposed to hamsters or rats. Most people with children, for instance, want their childs' first experience with a pet to be a joyful, loving one, not a painful one. To construe the above sentence to mean that its "okay" to handle them roughly is rather sinister but in lieu of the "lets imagine the worst scenario" attitude, rest assured that sentence will be changed.

They did get the liquid Vit C in the water correct, they said don't do that so they aren't complete idiots, just 99%.

Great stuff! Its really helpful to call people 99% idiots, at least you gave them that 1%! :)

The information on the site has already been changed and links will be put up to your favorites, guinealynx and cavycages.

Anyway.. thanks for all the information and pointing out the problems at Animal-World, hopefully with that 1% "non-idiot" part, they can get it updated.

Hmm... sounds like somebody is part of Animal-World. No problem, looks like they are fixing it and listening, so I am happy enough.
I rewrote the entire darn page. Sent it to her. Hopefully it will help.
The information on the site has already been changed and links will be put up to your favorites, guinealynx and cavycages.

Where??? I don't see anything changed. And a little FYI, I am not a little girl. Also I am very anti-breeding and anti-petshop and I don't think cavies are great pets for young children either.
Yeah, kerberan, my comment is definitely not there... and since I didn't say anything about how cute my pigs are in their tiny little cage living on dog biscuits and seeds, sitting in their sawdust and backbreeding, I doubt it will be posted! (Sorry for the sarcasm... it's been a long day).

But seriously, I am glad that they're trying to correct the information. See how effective people can be if they all join together? Way to go guys!
Oh let’s see all of the changes...hmmm. I can’t see any either. I guess I will have to see what kind of information you ARE providing. I took some quotes as you have said it is okay to do so.

cage to buy or build, make sure there is a minimum of at least 2 square feet of space
Pathetically small as already pointed out.

bedding's for the cage are wood shavings (except cedar)
Good about the cedar but pine can also be harmful if not aired out totally or kiln dried.

They should also be given fresh fruits and vegetables on a regular basis, such as lettuce, carrots, apples, tomatoes, cabbage, and spinach
This starts out good enough but 4 of the 6 veggies you mention are harmful in large quantities and just saying lettuce is setting up pigs to be fed iceberg...which will give them diarrhea

treats, some treats that have been suggested are such things as oats or guinea pig treats found in pet stores.
Fatty foods, dairy and sugar (which is all these treats are) are no good for Cavies. And dog biscuits? PLEASE! Last I saw a GP is NOT a dog...or even an omnivore. They are vegetarians.

with fresh greens once a day.
You aren’t recommending enough veggies.

Salt licks may also be provided, since some guinea pigs enjoy them
Ug...GPs do not need salt licks and the mineral/salt licks can be dangerous.

They have been successfully kept with small gentle rabbit as a companion, such as some dwarf rabbits that are similar in size. Though rabbits and guinea pigs may get along great together, there are a couple of things to be watchful of. A kick from a hyper rabbit can harm a guinea pig, and sometimes a guinea pig will nuzzle the rabbit's fur creating bald spots.
There are a multitude of reasons not to keep rabbits and Gps together. Here are the biggies...Rabbits and Gps have different dietary needs. They have different social lives and cannot interact as the other would want. Rabbits can carry Pasturella which can kill a GP. A kick from a rabbit can kill a GP...not just harm it.

Though generally the father can be left in with the mother and babies, as he will not harm them, the mother can become impregnated again.
A word of warning about thge dangers to the female if backbreeding occurs would be nice...heck a warning at ALL about the dangers of breeding would be nice.
Colds: I think it was already poited out that Gps don;t get colds. They get possibly deadly URIs. A blanket over their cage won’t help.

Diarrhea: The simple remedy to this is to remove them completely and not feed them at all...
Ok good...lets add complete digestive track shutdown among diarrhea. If in case you never heard a GP’s digestive track can shut down and kill it with just one day without food.

Scurvy:. There are also liquid vitamins you can add to the water, but they loose their effectiveness rather quickly.
People around here are giving you too much credit. Those liquid vitamins that lose their effectiveness rather quickly actually only lose the helpful Vit C. The bladder stone/sludge causing minerals remain.

Lice and Mites: There are sprays and powders available for the remedy of this.
Both of which can kill a small animal.

Either sex will make a good pet, however if you plan to buy more than one, two females would be the better choice, since males will fight. Don't buy a pair unless you want babies.
Males usually get along fine if given enough space. Gps are herd animals so should never be kept alone.

As far as I can tell you give FAR more bad advice then good. If you are going to give advice on how to care for an animal then do more then read a few out-of-date books written by breeders that are looking for the cheapest way to create a lot of animals fast.

This website and others like it are run by people that have had to rescue and nurse back to health rescued Gps that suffered because of advice like your site gives out.

Do some proper research...talk to real people that REALLY know and most importantly care about Guinea Pigs. Not Breeders, not Pet Shops (who pay for most of those books to be published so that they can make more money selling their crappy products) and not "hobbyists". Talk to rescues and exotic vets.

Get your information updated and correct. Get with the times or get your bad advice off the web.
I have sent all the rewritten advice to her. The vet tech will be 'reviewing' it. It will take a few days. I sent this too:

Good links.

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I also was very pro-rescue, just to let everybody know. We will see how it turns out. I have a little faith these guys can fix the information.
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That's great slap! Hopefully they'll change the information soon.
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