A load of stupid info. I really wonder where they got all that info from ( The part about bread soaked in milk... I've heard babies can have that.. but I suppose the info gets passed round and everyone thinks its right.
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zakfoxmom said:Dog biscuts!?!?!?! Aren't those only meant for what they are called, Dogs? I would never even consider giving Cinnamon and Coco a dog biscut.
Myspoiltpiggies said:The part about bread soaked in milk... I've heard babies can have that..
damn straight!slap_maxwell said:My responce:
Please consider adding a link to
www.guineapigcages.com, which is the best, and ultimate housing for cavies.
I've given a comment that gives a link to cavy cages, but they're editing and proofing every comment before publication. I'd be happy to wager a bet that it will NEVER be published!
I am sorry for posting so many of these idiots comments who are actually getting information from this crap site, but i just can't control myself.
I submitted a "comment" telling them that they need to correct their information... I tried to make it sound as nice as possible; hopefully by being courteous they may listen! Doubtful, but I figured it was worth a shot.
Guinea Gal. I know you mean well but please stop copying the comments, or any other part, of a webpage and directly posting it on the board. Websites are protected by copyright laws and there could potentially be problems.
Wow, that's quite a lot of bad information. You'd think that someone with internet access & the ability to put a site together would be able to do research about basic care. I wonder what their sources are?
If you read the first line on that page it says that "Guinea pigs make great pets, especially as first pets for children, because they very rarely bite even if handled roughly." is this to encourage people to get them for their kids, because they wont bite and the kids can be rough with them then?
They did get the liquid Vit C in the water correct, they said don't do that so they aren't complete idiots, just 99%.
The information on the site has already been changed and links will be put up to your favorites, guinealynx and cavycages.