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Blog Forever chaning cage!

Blog entry from old forum


Cavy Star, Photo Contest Winner
Cavy Slave
Jun 13, 2010
My mini herd's cage is now a 3x5 with the 2x2 hay bin on the side as an "L" shape....
It's forever changing! This cage has been a 2x4, 2x4 with 1x2 loft, 2x5, 2x5 with 1x2 Hay bin on the side, 2x4 with 1x2 hay on the side and a 1x2 bunkbed on the side to a 3x5, a 3x5 with a 2x2 loft, 3x5 with a 2x3 loft, and a 3x5 with a 2x5 loft...Phew!!

View attachment 49436 [GuineaPigCages.com] Forever chaning cage![GuineaPigCages.com] Forever chaning cage!
You cage looks amazing! What do you use for bedding in the hay bin? Is it just hay?
mickey1007;bt6372 said:
You cage looks amazing! What do you use for bedding in the hay bin? Is it just hay?

Thank you! Mum's not very happy with it as the hay bin goes right to the edge of my bed dividing my room in half!!
In the hay bin I use either just Aspen or a mix of Aspen and Carefresh under the hay.
I am in love with one of your guinea pigs!! :love: The one that is not eating, and is to the right. The one that has orangey fur. Oh ya, and moms are rarely happy to begin with, so don't worry!! :D
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