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Cavy Slave
Aug 24, 2004
What do guinea pigs eat? I've been told that I can just buy bags of pellets from the pet store, but i saw another forum on fruit and veggies. What fruits and veggies do they like? What is healthy for them? All advice is needed. Thankyou
Firstly, the pellets you get from a pet store are not great. They contain mixes and seeds, which are not needed. Secondly, vegetable are a MUST. Without vegetables, guinea pig wouldn't be able to get their vitamin C. Follow this link to see what you can feed them www.guinealynx.com/nutrition.html Fruits should only be given as a treat, but veggies should be given everyday. Dark, leafy vegetables are usually the best. Also, you need to feed your pig unlimited timothy or grass hay, preferably not from the pet store. Go to www.guinealynx.com for the best info on general cavy care. Good luck!
Check https://www.guinealynx.com/healthycavy.html. That should be a great source of info for you! The best food is made by Oxbow ((broken link removed)). You should feed pigs under a year Cavy Performance, and you should feed older pigs Cavy Cuisine. The best hay I've heard of is (broken link removed)-- Kleenmama's! My first oder should come in tomorrow, I'm so excited! It's fresher and cheaper by far than the stuff you get in the pet store. Plus, you won't be supporting the store! Check Oxbow's site for a retariler in your location that sells their products. Good luck on everything! =)
why shouldnt i buy anything from the pet store?

Piglet said:
Firstly, the pellets you get from a pet store are not great. They contain mixes and seeds, which are not needed. Secondly, vegetable are a MUST. Without vegetables, guinea pig wouldn't be able to get their vitamin C. Follow this link to see what you can feed them www.guinealynx.com/nutrition.html Fruits should only be given as a treat, but veggies should be given everyday. Dark, leafy vegetables are usually the best. Also, you need to feed your pig unlimited timothy or grass hay, preferably not from the pet store. Go to www.guinealynx.com for the best info on general cavy care. Good luck!
what is the stuff that i put in their cage, like bedding.. lol i thought it was the hay.

mncavylover said:
Check https://www.guinealynx.com/healthycavy.html. That should be a great source of info for you! The best food is made by Oxbow ((broken link removed)). You should feed pigs under a year Cavy Performance, and you should feed older pigs Cavy Cuisine. The best hay I've heard of is (broken link removed)-- Kleenmama's! My first oder should come in tomorrow, I'm so excited! It's fresher and cheaper by far than the stuff you get in the pet store. Plus, you won't be supporting the store! Check Oxbow's site for a retariler in your location that sells their products. Good luck on everything! =)
My new piggies are eating the newspaper in their pin, is that ok? their cage isnt fully put together yet, i dont want them out of the box i got when i bought them, so i put paper down in there, and they are teasring it up and eating it.
Well you CAN buy from the pet store, but they don't always sell the best stuff. The pellets they sell have so much stuff added to them they're not even pellets anymore. Usually the timothy hay looks stale and brown, but I don't know if its actually like that when you open it up

Yes, you can use hay as the bedding, but it would need regualr cleaning. Hay is good, because the piggies can eat it, sleep in, burrow in it etc. Try aspen or carefresh (can be expensive). If you wan't to cut down on costs, then try a layer of newspaper then polar fleece on top. Everyday (or every other), just shake of the poops and bing it in the washing machine. You could also try towels.

Eating newspaper is fine, as long as its a black and white print one. It's normal for pigs to eat a little, and it doesn't cause harm.
Pet stores aren't that great, so if you can find some way to get what you need without supporting them that would be the best option. Good luck! =)
Also... If you don't buy from the pet store you can buy in bulk. Get your hay from a local farm or feed store - you can usually get bedding there are well
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