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Floor Time and Tunnel fun.,,,,


Cavy Star, Photo Contest Winner
Cavy Slave
Feb 13, 2012
Thought I would share so floor time photos
[GuineaPigCages.com] Floor Time and Tunnel fun.,,,,
[GuineaPigCages.com] Floor Time and Tunnel fun.,,,,[GuineaPigCages.com] Floor Time and Tunnel fun.,,,,[GuineaPigCages.com] Floor Time and Tunnel fun.,,,,


DSCN0233 (640x447).jpg
more pictures

[GuineaPigCages.com] Floor Time and Tunnel fun.,,,,[GuineaPigCages.com] Floor Time and Tunnel fun.,,,,[GuineaPigCages.com] Floor Time and Tunnel fun.,,,,[GuineaPigCages.com] Floor Time and Tunnel fun.,,,,[GuineaPigCages.com] Floor Time and Tunnel fun.,,,,
SO cute!!!! :D
Do your dogs actually like your piggies? :D
how did you do that i would love to try
looks like lots of fun for them
how did you do that i would love to try
looks like lots of fun for them
Just bought tubes at lowes its sewer line bought connectors cut it the lengths i wanted and tied them on the tubes with some plastic stretchy cord.
Do your dogs actually like your piggies? :D

Bella and Dixie do like her but dan my other chihuahua doesn't really care for her but doesn't try to bother her. Bella really likes her and Gidget teases Bella. Gidget will be in her cage Bella walks up to her Gidget comes over Bella licks her Thur cage and Gidget will take off running round and round the cage come back to Bella and get a another kiss and take off again wheeking and chirping like she wants her to chase her. :D
:D awww that sounds really cute. :3
thanks I am a proud piggie / doggie momma
I went Monday and bought Senor Snicker corragated pipe. Its alittle different from what you have. Ours has three holes every couple inches and no holes on the bottom. I didn't buy the pipe like yours because I was worried about his little nails/feet getting to the small slots. I bought a 10' piece and attached it to a 2x2 cage plus placed some T's along with a Y pipe piece. I plan on building him a second floor to his play pen. He can use the pipe as a ramp to reach the loft area.
Oh lovely, good idea! I am going to Lowe's to day to get PVC joints to use as tunnels for my piglets. Love the picture of your piggy and your doggy, you must trust them very much!
Thanks for sharing!
What is the width on this pipe? I don't want to buy tubes for tunnels and then have my piggies get stuck! THANKS
Got it at lowes its field line. its got holes
Wow, what a great idea! I'm definitely heading over to Lowes to get some. I've got some ferret tunnels for my piggies, and they both love 'em, so they'd go crazy over something like that.
Your pets are all so adorable! I love seeing critter love.
Good thing is you can cut them to whatever length you want. Just a little suggestion don t make them really long cause they will hide in them forever and number two its hard to clean cause they pee and poo in there.
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