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Flem in lungs??


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Dec 29, 2004
For the last few days, i've began to notice a sort of "raspy" sounding caugh from Jasper. It even sounds like it when she is chitter chatting. almost like there is flem in the lung..she coughs maybe once a day not much..and i have a vet apointment for tomorow..but has anyone else experienced this?
She might have an URI.
what is that?
I can even hear her breathe
Upper Respiratory Infection. A piggy cold. She needs to see a vet, URIs are usually fatal.

*Edit* I just read you have a vet appointment! lol silly me. It's very good you have a vet appointment!
wouldn't she be looking sick then? like are there any simptoms?
crusty eyes, labored breathing,lethargy
nope..she seems fine..her breathing isn't labored, just noisy and she is her regular self. she does have lice though..
Have the vet treat for lice as well when you go in. Even if she doesn't have other symptoms besides the raspy breathing she can still be sick. Sometimes only one symptom at a time will manifest itself. Piggies are very skilled at hiding illnesses and sometimes by the time you find out they are sick it can be too late to get proper treatment. By taking her to the vet tomorrow, it will help determine if she is coming down with an illness. My guess would be URI as well.

Is she eating and drinking fine?
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