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Fleece tunnel and fleece Cozy (no sewing required)


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
May 15, 2009
I took a fleece through that I had bought at walmart folded it in half then folded it about 4 times from the smaller sides going from left to right.

Then I put my and devided the folds evenly all the way around. once devided I cuffed them about 3 times like if you were rolling pant legs up and then repeated this on the other end to make it a no sow fleece tunnel that is easy to make and wash.

When it get dirty simply unroll it and shake it outside and put in the washer. Easy cheap tunnel.

Now for the cozy sack same you do the same thing like would for the tunnel with only cuffing on side.

I included pictures to help.
Very very good idea! Sooo easy! I love this ! Thanks for sharing your creation!
I thought it would be better then buying or sewing one as I has done that before and I usually had to wash 2 times once for one side and then it inside out or vice versa and wash it again so this works better for washing too.
GREAT idea! I love this, thank you so much for sharing! I do not excel with a needle and thread... nor do I own a sewing machine!
Great idea. I do something similar with a pair of fleece pants (got the idea from here too). I'm going to give this one a try next cage cleaning. You can even add a towel in here for an absorbent layer.
Very nice idea.. will try that for floor time!
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