TL;DR: How do I get rid of fleas? And can you recommend me some flea medicine/repellent?
Hey everybody! Long time no see! Sorry I haven't been active lately. I guess I haven't needed that much help lately lol. And WOW did this forum layout change. I like it! Anyways, with that out of the way, it's time to actually get into the topic of this post. Fleas! I'm not sure HOW exactly we got them. But that's not really important. What IS important is getting rid of them. For the last 2-4 days they have been plaguing me and Cupcake! It's weird though. They don't seem to go after anybody else BUT us! I've been cleaning my room, her cage, and bathing her with Dawn dish soap (because I don't have any flea medicine atm) like crazy but their numbers still don't seem to be going down and I am running out of bedding (which costs around 30$ because I talked myself out of buying fleece bedding for whatever reason. Speaking of which) I even ended up throwing away her little hideaway ! No worries about that though! I bought her a new wooden house! And she's sleeping in it already! Does anybody know how to get rid of them? Oh, and recommend me some flea medicine/repellent for her? I tried going to two separate petstores today and they both told me to buy them online, but when I tried looking them up, I literally couldn't find any at all. Just flea medicine for dogs, cats, and ferrets. The closest I could find was something from Lowes called "Black Flag Flea & Tick Aerosol for Upholstery and Pet Bedding". But I don't really feel safe spraying that on her aspen bedding considering how much she likes to nibble on it.. Anyways, yeah. Please help! I'm also planning on taking her to the vet too as soon as I get enough money lol. Sorry if I forget to respond to you guys! Rest assured though, I'll definitely read your answers and take them to heart! Thanks in advance <3! I really appreciate you guys helping me out throughout the years lol!
Hey everybody! Long time no see! Sorry I haven't been active lately. I guess I haven't needed that much help lately lol. And WOW did this forum layout change. I like it! Anyways, with that out of the way, it's time to actually get into the topic of this post. Fleas! I'm not sure HOW exactly we got them. But that's not really important. What IS important is getting rid of them. For the last 2-4 days they have been plaguing me and Cupcake! It's weird though. They don't seem to go after anybody else BUT us! I've been cleaning my room, her cage, and bathing her with Dawn dish soap (because I don't have any flea medicine atm) like crazy but their numbers still don't seem to be going down and I am running out of bedding (which costs around 30$ because I talked myself out of buying fleece bedding for whatever reason. Speaking of which) I even ended up throwing away her little hideaway ! No worries about that though! I bought her a new wooden house! And she's sleeping in it already! Does anybody know how to get rid of them? Oh, and recommend me some flea medicine/repellent for her? I tried going to two separate petstores today and they both told me to buy them online, but when I tried looking them up, I literally couldn't find any at all. Just flea medicine for dogs, cats, and ferrets. The closest I could find was something from Lowes called "Black Flag Flea & Tick Aerosol for Upholstery and Pet Bedding". But I don't really feel safe spraying that on her aspen bedding considering how much she likes to nibble on it.. Anyways, yeah. Please help! I'm also planning on taking her to the vet too as soon as I get enough money lol. Sorry if I forget to respond to you guys! Rest assured though, I'll definitely read your answers and take them to heart! Thanks in advance <3! I really appreciate you guys helping me out throughout the years lol!
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