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Bathing First Bath Kinda'


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Apr 19, 2012
Hum am I wrong or am I right?

Ok, the girls were smelling more poop than hay. I've read alot about bathing the parents who don't and the parents who do. I took the middle road and gave them a in between bath. Very diluted soap water and their soft bristle brush. They squacked and squelled in protest and I toweled dried them after. They are not soaking wet, but the fur is moist. They are now busy fussing over them selves.

During all their protesting I thought maybe it was a good thing. I have spoiled them and have given them full run. After a couple of months of them rumbling for domanince it was time that they know I'm the Mom. Bad or good idea?
i gave all my piggies a bath when i brought them home with mite shampoo just to be sure nothing was wrong, my gingey just laid there and enjoyed the warmth, i think its good if you bathe them but only when its needed, not too much cause it can damage there skin though.
my gingey just laid there

Out of curiosity, is Gingey short for Ginger? If so, I have a guinea pig named Ginger too! And I call her Gingey all the time! And Ging...lol
Out of curiosity, is Gingey short for Ginger? If so, I have a guinea pig named Ginger too! And I call her Gingey all the time! And Ging...lol

no its just gingey, i wanted to name her slightly different :p but i call her ginge and gingerpoof ^^
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