I wanted to thank everyone for their input from replies to my last post, other postings, and the wonderful ideas from the pictures. It was great, and we have all built another awesome cavy habitat. Thanks!
Just finished the cage yesterday and piggie slept her first night in her new home. She was doing laps and popcorning like mad last night. This is one very happy pig. I just need to add some texture to the ramps so she doesn't slide, the door needs some fine tuning, and coroplast the front half of the 2nd floor. ah room to breathe and a happy pig, life is good
Posted 3 pics
Just finished the cage yesterday and piggie slept her first night in her new home. She was doing laps and popcorning like mad last night. This is one very happy pig. I just need to add some texture to the ramps so she doesn't slide, the door needs some fine tuning, and coroplast the front half of the 2nd floor. ah room to breathe and a happy pig, life is good
Posted 3 pics