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Finally Registered


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jan 29, 2012
Hey everyone,
I have been reading posts on here for months, but never actually signed up. I figured it was about time! As of right now I have one beautiful female guinea pig, Dulce, who is about four years old (not completely sure). We recently just had Olive pass away. She always suffered from respiratory issues and I guess it finally got the best of her...
We are incredibly sad about the whole situation. But we are doing our best to keep Ducle happy with extra lap time and attention until we can get her a friend. Even though the lap time won't be cut back...

I recently built a new cage for them (2x3 with a 1x3+1x1 loft) and it is really loved. I am working with fleece and uhaul blankets. I am really happy with the set up considering we moved a few months ago and somehow their old CC cage didn't get packed. They were living a in a ferret play pin that was really large, but a pain to clean.

I look forward to everyone's insight and banter! :D
Glad your finally here!! We all would love to see pictures of your pig!!

I'm so sorry for your loss.
Thank you. I will try to get a picture tonight at lap time.

this forum is a great place and we have very nice people! i hope you enjoy us!

sorry for your loss... but i can't wait to see pictures!
Hi and welcome! I ditto the pigture request, you know you have to feed our addiction:crazy:!
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