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Play ferret hammocks safe for piggys?


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Dec 18, 2011
i have seen many ferret hammocks that cling to the sides of a cage & i thought it would fit perfectly in a corner of my c&c cage for my piggy! but are they safe? can it hurt my piggys back hes only 6 weeks old
also is anything else made for ferrets safe for piggys? and safe? because they look adorable but of course safety comes first!!
When my daughter had ferrets and I had guinea pigs I used the hammocks in my gp cage. My gp's loved them. It never hurt their backs. I had one who claimed it as his own and slept there all the time.
With a 6 week old, make sure it is low enough so the pig can get in and out and not fall out.
Plus the hangings with the snap that snaps onto the cage. Make sure it is not in any way, a way for the baby pig to strangle on it.
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