I was posed with a question today by someone looking to adopt a guinea pig from the shelter today, and I was not quite sure how to answer it (I'm bad with grey areas). Since we did not have any cavies up for adoption today, and this person was pro-adoption/anti-petstore, she asked if it would be considered a good deed to get a guinea pig from someone she knows of who only breeds guinea pigs as feeder animals for reptiles. She says that they are kept in poor conditions in this person's garage and the only thing they have to look foward to is being some python's dinner. He charges $8 a pig and he breeds more as a "service" for himself and other large snake owners rather than profit. As I said, I didn't know what to tell her since on one hand she would be saving some pathetic pig from certain death, yet buying from him would encourage him to breed more pigs. Any input would be appreciated as I need other points of view on this one.