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Nails/Nail Trimming Feces stuck in nails


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jan 11, 2012
I just got a new guinea pig from a rescue group and my new female guinea pig has "odd" poop from the food the organization fed her. My guinea pigs keep stepping in it and idon't know how to get it out. I clean their cage daily but it doesn't seem to be helping. I'm getting worried...
Her poops will likely improve with a better diet, and it shouldn't take long. But if her poops continue to be soft enough to be smushed into their feet, she may need vet treatment.

How long have you had her? And what is their diet like now?

I had one with soft poops, and a course of flagyl from the vet cleared it up. It seemed to be returning several weeks later, but I took cucumber totally out of their diet, and haven't had any problems since.
Ive had her for about 1 day. Both of the pigs are on oxbow hay and great choice pellets, and also different veges and fruits. Is she just getting the food the rescue organization gave her, out of her system? I hope it doesnt last too much longer. My other male pig that I had before her didn't step in his poop, and the cage didn't smell bad. Now after I have gotten the female (spayed) it smells VERY bad and they both step in the poop and get it all over the cage.
One of my girls tends to have the tip of a few of her back nails with poo stuck, when it's close to trimming time. It's quite gross and thankfully she has white nails or I wouldn't see it. I just wipe her feet with a warm wet cloth and then proceed to trim them. In your case if the nails aren't long yet, just wipe down their feet each night/morning and they should be alright.

As stated above, an improvement in her diet will improve the poo issue too. If you are using fleece, maybe switch to a loose bedding for a week or so until her digestive system is working better. I have two females and there isn't a smell or smushy poo problem like you describe.
Thanks! So as soon as her poop becomes normal, it shouldn't be happening as much?? What is an easy way to clean off the poop? It gets all in their nails, on their pads, and even in their fur. A warm towel doesn't get inside the nails and my piggys are very squirmy...
Once her poop is normal, it should rarely happen.

For what it is worth, my rescue pigs and my foster pigs have all had softer poops after moving in to my house. I chalked it up to a diet with far more veggies in it, thus more water content in their food. After about a week, the pigs seemed to adjust and their poops improved substantially. I would keep an eye on her and make sure to weigh her and as long as she doesn't lose significant weight and the poops improve I wouldn't be too concerned.
So she's just been spayed? How many days ago? and is she on an antibiotic? If so, the antibiotic may be the problem, and she may need some intervention.

What exactly are you giving them in the way of veggies? And does she seem to be eating them?
I got the female piggy spayed, she is almost 7 months old. I feed them carrots, kale, romaine lettuce, bok choy, celery, etc. She does eat the veggies and is NOT on antibiotics. What is an easy way to clean under their nails for now? They both have short nails so i'm not going to cut them.... HELP!
You didn't say how long ago it was that she was spayed? That's important, because it will determine what you can do for their feet. For instance, if her incision is totally healed, you can put them in a bathtub with an inch of warm water and let the poop soften and wipe it out. If the incision isn't healed, you can't do that.

Also, if the surgery is very recent, the soft poops may be from that, and not from the diet.
I am not sure when she was spayed because I when I adopted her she was already spayed. They usually spay them at an early age, but i'm not sure. So how do I get the poop out of their nails.? I tried the bathtub with an inch of lukewarm water, but it doesn't get it out from their nails, only their pads and feet.
Put her them in a shallow water bath and wipe with towels. If that doesn't get it, use Q-tips or cotton balls.
About the soft poop, I think a lot of other people have already covered that. I would just keep an eye on it and wait for the food from the other place to clear out. If it continues you may want to see a vet. I know certain vegetables can cause diarrhea (I can post a link if you want for specific types)
To get the poo off their nails I would take a wash cloth with warm water and try to rub it off, if its stained the nails or if there is only a small bit left you can't get, then eventually the nail will grow out and you can clip it off.
I think everyone has already posted the really good advice but I hope I helped.
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