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Cavy Gazer
Dec 11, 2004
Today I was at my friends house and my brother had his "study group" pver to work on a project. Well, guess what. They had the study group in my room and put black marker all over my chair and messed up my bed .THe worst part was that they went to my cavy room and tried to go pick them up. Well, my cavies do not like people who they don't know and ran away from them, but all 4 of them got in and picked up by pigloos and threw it on them and then held them by their but and upside down! THey also made them attack eachother by smashing their heads against one another! It was horrible and now my piggies are all hudled up in one corner and run around like crazy when i tried to calm them down. I am so pissed at my brother and it is not even funny. I would not be as mad if they were 5 but they are 12! I feel so bad for my piggies so I arranged a vet apointment to see if they got hurt and anything I can do. ISn't this horrible! Sorry am very angry right now.
OH GEE!!!! THATS HORRIBLE!!! What rotten little barnacles those are!!! I feel SOOO bad for you and your piggies!!!
!! Nice brother you have there! (Not!) Why don't you tell your mom or dad? This seems like something grounding-worthy, if you ask me.

Man, I'm glad to be 28. :) Being in the tweens/teens was hard; so many kids are mean and stupid.
Thanks for understanding. I have told my mom and Dad. They said kids will be kids. I did not want to argue becuase they are paying for the vet appointment,food and everything else.
That is terrible, kids will be kids does not apply here. You do not pit guinea pigs against each other, or pull them around like that. That is just horrible.
"Kids will be kids" is not an excuse for your brother allowing his friends to abuse your pigs. Tell your parents that! Or tell them that it'll be more expensive if your bro hurts them because you'll need to take them to the vet. :/
That's so sad! :( I hope your pigs are ok!!! You're right that at 12 years that is completely inexcusable, I wish your parents would see that and confront him about it. You could try to confront him yourself but I understand the sibling thing that he might not take you too seriously :-/ Good luck.
Thanks, I got back from the appointment and they said everything is fine and no damage was done and they are now not skittish anymore to me. I guess my cavies forgive easily? Well, you know parents will be parents. I am so happy also becuase my parents got me a lock for my door and cavyroom so my bro can't get in. I also talked to them and they grounded him for 2 weeks and he has to clean out the cage! Thanks for the sopport everyone. "gives a hug"
marci said:
"Kids will be kids" is not an excuse for your brother allowing his friends to abuse your pigs. Tell your parents that! Or tell them that it'll be more expensive if your bro hurts them because you'll need to take them to the vet. :/

I understand where you're coming from but I think this could be a tricky situation. You don't want a kid telling her parents how it needs to be. I totally think it should be approached carefully or it could backfire.
Good job, Poohbear.
I understand where you're coming from but I think this could be a tricky situation. You don't want a kid telling her parents how it needs to be. I totally think it should be approached carefully or it could backfire.
I'm sort of assuming that Poohbear would take my advice and then, knowing her parents as she does, apply it appropriately. I doubt that she'd go over there and tell them off just because someone on the internet told her to ;)
I honestly didn't mean it in a mean way and I hope it wasn't taken that way.
Nope! That's why I winked at you :)
How annoying! If that was my brother I would kill him.. Luckly for me my brother is 23. I'm glad to hear that they are ok.
Ugh, that's horrible. It would take me ages to forgive my brother, if he did something like that. It's ok though, because he got his comeuppance
That is horrible, Poohbear! Absolutely inhumane!!!!! Unfortunately, there are "jerks" in this world that do things like that!
I would YELL and YELL and YELL at my brother and his friends if he did something like that, but luckily he hasn't. You're so lucky that the pigs are OK. Did your brother get grounded or in trouble? Did you yell at him?

We're just grateful that they aren't hurt!
Wow! I'm glad your pigs are okay. I'm also glad I have a seventeen year old sister!
YEs, I did yell at him and her did get grounded.
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