Today I was at my friends house and my brother had his "study group" pver to work on a project. Well, guess what. They had the study group in my room and put black marker all over my chair and messed up my bed .THe worst part was that they went to my cavy room and tried to go pick them up. Well, my cavies do not like people who they don't know and ran away from them, but all 4 of them got in and picked up by pigloos and threw it on them and then held them by their but and upside down! THey also made them attack eachother by smashing their heads against one another! It was horrible and now my piggies are all hudled up in one corner and run around like crazy when i tried to calm them down. I am so pissed at my brother and it is not even funny. I would not be as mad if they were 5 but they are 12! I feel so bad for my piggies so I arranged a vet apointment to see if they got hurt and anything I can do. ISn't this horrible! Sorry am very angry right now.