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It sounds perfect. Try and make a 2 X 4 sense it would be better for a pair. But if you can only make 2 X 3.5 it will work pretty good also.
Ok I could move my trash can and make a little more room but that might not work because of he width and my desk is closed to my trash can. Glad it sounds good. Will they be good with the window near by?

I had to move 3 crates to make room for them. I actually put what I moved itno where I planned to put them, I even did a little room cleaning (not much).
You must not be reading either. You can't have one pig all alone. One pig next to another in seperate cages is one thing, but one pig by itself, all alone in your house isn't very nice.

To me you appeared to be whining about us "bullying" you into building a better cage and looking for somebody to tell you "it's ok". I was informing you that it's not ok. I also gave you a list of solitary or smaller animals that may suit your needs better. It's not like you already have the pig. You can change your mind.
If the window is shut and no drafts then it should be ok. But if there are drafts you might want to think of a good shade for the window or something like that because they could get pnemonia.
Actually I didn't read any of your posts until after I moved the around some stuff. I don't want thsoe animals this is what I want.

Ok I will try some stuff out and can always just turn on my fan that will point my way if I get too hot. My windows aren't open to much unless my mom opens them.
And you should get a pair of pig's like Sabriel said, It's good for the pig because of them living in herds. If you get one pig it will get lonely and even agressive.
I am working on getting 2 but may not be able too I thought about a stuffed animal to comfort them at least until we give it some thought.
The stuffed animal doesn't work well unless you get it to smell like another pig. Even then my boar only uses it a surrogate female. He does his thing then ignores it. My girls sniff it for a minute if it smells like my boar then they ignore it. Nothing can take the place of another pig. Not even you.
Exactly. Listen to Sabriel. If you want our help, then take it. You shouldn't even get one guinea pig unless you know for sure that you can get two. It's vital to their health and happiness. If you can't get two, then you should take Sabriel's advice and get a different pet. It shouldn't be up to your greediness of wanting a pig, it should be about the pig and it's health. Sorry if I sound mean, but it's the truth. And good luck if you decide on getting two pigs.
Sometimes what you want is not what you should get. I really wanted a hamster, but between the pigs and cats I wouldn't have the time to take good care of it. So my husband and I got fish instead. Now we are both happy and he have happy healthy fish instead of an unhappy hamster.
None of thsoe pets would satisfy me and depending on how good I am I will be able to get another so i will eventually get 2.
Well that's fine if you want to get pigs. But you really should just adopt a pair right off the bat. That way, you wouldn't have to worry about introductions or anything, because most shelters have pairs to be adopted right away. It would be easier and less stressful for you and the pigs. And the pigs would be happier and healthier from the start. Think about it, and good luck.
I don't think that would work out too well for me.
alfieiheartu said:
Makes a great picture in my Sabriel but.......
I do not want to be badgered they just should say 1x2 feet isn't enough or something like that not its horrible you shoudln't get one at all if thats all the room you can amke.

My hamster is in a bigger cage than that.
Ok an dI found more room it was already more room I just was measuring wrong but I found a new place to keep them.
Since your cage might be by a window, make sure that they get shade during the daytime. It it possible they could get overheated in direct sunlight.

Sounds like you just keep making excuses for not being able to get 2 piggies. You aren't listening to anybody! If you really want your piggy to live a good, happy life, adopt two or adopt none. Simple as that.
Hmm...I get the feeling that you will never get that second pig. I know it may well be your parents fault, but if you think that they will never change their minds, it is better to just forget getting a pig in the first place.

I was thinking that how will you make space for floor time? Pigs need exercise (preferably) daily in a large pen or enclosed room. If you just managed to make room for a cage, how will you organize floor time?
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