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Etticate inforcment.


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Feb 2, 2005
Hope I posted this in the right section.
I have been away from here for a little while, I come back and see postings all over the place breaking all the spelling/grammar/punctuation/capitalizing rule's.

What I'm wondering is why is it that some people are repramanded right there on the thread for everyone to see, and others appear to have nothing said to them after doing it again and again and over several days?
If its done by a well known regular (not suggesting anyone) there does seem to be some major favortism going on or at very least, picking and choosing who to tell off/inform/remind of the rules.
( I also think only the admin should be able to mention this type of thing to the poster, after all that is your job, not all the members!)

Ps) This site is unreal!
I think it's rather rude to correct people publicly, but I was raised in the South. According to Miss Manners, pointing out someone else's lack of manners/etiquette only serves to anger them and glaringly display your own lack of manners by pointing out theirs.
guineagurl said:
Hope I posted this in the right section.
I have been away from here for a little while, I come back and see postings all over the place breaking all the spelling/grammar/punctuation/capitalizing rule's.

What I'm wondering is why is it that some people are repramanded right there on the thread for everyone to see, and others appear to have nothing said to them after doing it again and again and over several days?
If its done by a well known regular (not suggesting anyone) there does seem to be some major favortism going on or at very least, picking and choosing who to tell off/inform/remind of the rules.
( I also think only the admin should be able to mention this type of thing to the poster, after all that is your job, not all the members!)

Ps) This site is unreal!
Hope this makes you feel better.
Etticate is spelled etiquette,
Repramanded is spelled reprimanded
its is spelled it's
favortism is spelled favoritism

Now did I make your day.

I only meant this as a funny, I hope you are laughing.
It made me laugh!
I have been trying to send private messages now to those not following posting etiquette, rules and forum conduct instead of reprimanding them in threads. I also believe that people listen better when it comes from the Admin/Moderators than from members. I have been doing most of the informing of posting etiquette and if your "suggesting" that I play favorites, well then you are wrong there. If it's a new member, I have been giving them chance to correct it on their own before sending them a private message.
Dansamy, thanks for the miss manners thing.. uncalled for.,

I totally agree, I think that was my point sort of. I don't think anyone should be told off by the admin for these things in public , unless ALL are having it done.
And the regular posters who let slip SHOULDNT be entitled to get awy with it.
It dosen't seem right to pick and choose who to tell off and who to let it slide but shouldnt it be 1 rule for all? And if your suggesting that I pointed out anyone, your wrong. I have never said anything to anyone except right here now and your calling me Miss Manners now for it. Why? I wasnt having a go at anyone especially.

Ly, In my small amount of time on this site I have seen that you DO tell people occasionally in the post's about these rules and thats ok but where is the uniformity?
Personally I think you would be better serving your members by sending these new members a friendly message straight away to let them know what their not doing right because if left they (some) have no idea theres a problem and then everyone comes down on them like a tonne of bricks, after a few posts because of this.
Its kind of like being slapped while your laughing...
I agree, being told off should really ONLY come from admin, otherwise its not taken serious if given in the middle of a heated discussion etc..
I wasn't having a go at you Ly.. I actually think from what I've read, you seems nice and we have a few things in common .. just a feedback observation.

Ok pennick it's official I cant spell either, I knew etticate didnt look right!
I am laughing, just like I have been every time you come to my post's and nit pick at me. Does it make YOU feel good to point out what a stupid person I am?
Do you pat yourself on the back after you hit the post reply button?

Isn't there a difference too between all these i's and U etc and the occasional spelling mistake? Messing up isn't a chat word so why slam someone for it?

Ok thats my rant,, going to make my coffee now.. I await the flack!
guineagurl said:
Ok pennick it's official I cant spell either, I knew etticate didnt look right!
I am laughing, just like I have been every time you come to my post's and nit pick at me. Does it make YOU feel good to point out what a stupid person I am?
Do you pat yourself on the back after you hit the post reply button?

Isn't there a difference too between all these i's and U etc and the occasional spelling mistake? Messing up isn't a chat word so why slam someone for it?

Ok thats my rant,, going to make my coffee now.. I await the flack!
I hope your remarks above were not directed to me. I know nothing about picking on you and my remark was just done in humor. I'm sure many of my posts are also riddled with mispellings. Anyway, my post was done in jest, nothing more. I like to bring a chuckle to people especially when they are upset. Thats all I have to say.
I was actually but perhaps I have you mixed up with someone else, if so Im sorry.

I wasn't upset in the slightest, still arne't.
Everyone is only human and we will make mistakes. If someone misspells a word or two, no big deal. You keep saying that people are being told off for not posting properly. They aren't being "told off" as you put it. They are being told of or reminded of the rules. I used to tell people of their posting mistakes in threads yes, but I am now trying to give them reminders through private messaging. I look at the bigger picture of people who don't use punctuation or capitalization in the majority of their posts, I don't run around looking to see if every word is misspelled or if they left off one period at the end of a sentence.

I don't think Dansamy's post was uncalled for. She proved a point that it can be rather rude to publicly criticize people. That's why I have modified the way I now do things.

Personally I think you would be better serving your members by sending these new members a friendly message straight away to let them know what their not doing right
How do you know I am not doing this?

You know though, at the end of the day this is still CavySpirit's forum. If people like it here fine, if they don't there are other forums. She makes the rules and it's her rules we all have to follow. I am just wondering what promted you to start this thread in the first place. Issues like this are better left to the Administrators and Moderators to see to.
Well I guess I don't know what you are or arnet doing in private but seeing people doing the same thing again and again makes me think they havnt been told is all or else why would someone keep doing the same things to have it mentioned in threads by other members.
I told you in my 1st post here why I posted, thought it was pretty clear myself.
I wasn't suggesting not abiding by any rules, I just wondered why it wasn't across the board basically. The rules seem to change, its hard to keep up.
Sorry if the admin feels I insulted them, It wasnt intended.

Anyhow, I wasn't pointing the finger at any members or anything so thought this would be the right place to post. I didnt want to send an email, really didnt feel like being told I was uneducated in private.

I dont think you should warn or whatever people who spell a word wrong, It was more the chat words you warn against using, theres alot of it on here lately. Thats mostly what I meant but as usual, forget to be spacific and yes Ly I know,not a mind reader.
I didn't notice you are in Australia. You probably have no clue who Miss Manners is. I was NOT calling you Miss Manners. I was simply citing a well-known US columnist on etiquette.
Aha! I see now... oh wow, that can be taken the wrong way. One drawback of having a universal site, but that can be overcome.
Oh I see. I didn't know that. I know this is probally mostly a US board but not everyone is and I hope you can atleast see why I thought you were calling me that..it seemed to be scarcasm but I see it wasn't now.

Its not quiet the same though, I didn't point out anyone at all. Nor was I saying I am perfect at all, far from it. I have and do get pulled up all the time and take it with grain of salt because its NOT from the mods/admin whatever.
If something upsets a member so much, tell the moderator, then if they see fit, they should have the right to say something, not other members.

Anyway I barely even know what my original point was now...
Haha, we all get a little confused sometimes. I see what you mean though, some people are told to enforce the rules while others are sometimes let slide. I think that members' opinions are credible most of the time, but I wouldn't get too worked up about it. After all--it's down to the mods and the admin to decide in the end!
Yeah I think that pretty much sum's it up.
I try to give people a couple days or so to find the info thread in cavy chat explaining posting etiquette, rules and forum conduct. That has been up there a little while now. I also watch and there are some who start off posting badly (no capitalization, no punctuation, etc) and they get wise quickly and then start posting properly. Others, they have never read the rules and they are usually the ones that need reminders because they continually post without doing it properly.

If you all see any threads or posts you think needs brought to the Administrator's or Moderator's attention, by all means please send one of us a private message explaining what the problem is and one of us will check into it. I am here more than Treen or CavySpirit, so pm'ing me isn't a problem, but you can pm any of the Mods.
Re: ETIQUETTE enforcement.

I think using proper capitalization, punctuation and grammar is the polite thing to do. I absolutely despise chatspeak and tend to skim over poorly written posts. I find it difficult to decipher chatspeak and error-ridden posts.

Chatspeak is the debasement of the English language. I'd love to see the mods delete lousy posts after a warning.

The thread starter didn't even have the manners to spell "etiquette" properly, which I find quite funny.
Duh...... I allready knew that!
By the way (note that I'm avoiding using BTW), "inforcment" is more commonly spelled "enforcement"

Well bugger me.....
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