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Vet Estimating Baytril Dosage


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Sep 1, 2011
After the tragedy last night with Duo, I talked to the vet, he wanted me to check the other piggy's breathing for signs of a URI.

Havok, he seemed all clear. No Wheezing or Whistling.

Gizmo, our little girl with the abscess, did have a whistling when she was breathing. The Vet okay'd me to use Duo's Baytril on her, but without a direct weight he couldn't tell me dosage.

My mother has a food scale that measures ounces. I am going to go grab it, weigh Gizmo, and try to figure the dose.

The Baytril he gave me says this on the bottle. 'Baytril 100mg/ml - per/mg'. What does that mean?

Help me out guys.
ummm.... i dunno how many cc's to give her, she weighs 520g, and then it says the average recommended dose is 3.25mg. if the solution is 100mg/ml, doesn't that mean i can't even give her .1 cc's?

I need help understanding these numbers.


Average Recommended Dose: 3.25mg
Dosage Range: 2.5-10.0mg/kg
How often to administer: q12 hours
Method of Administration: By Mouth
Info: ENROFLOXACIN (Baytril) This drug has a wide dosage range. The mean dose used in the above calculations is 6.25mg/kg. Enrofloxacin is not recommended in young guinea pigs -- may result in arthropathies (bone abnormalities). Watch for antibiotic intolerance, especially anorexia. Call your vet if your guinea pig is not eating.

What does it mean?
The Baytril he gave me says this on the bottle. 'Baytril 100mg/ml - per/mg'.

Could you check the bottle and make sure that's an accurate quote? "Baytril 100/mg/ml" looks fine, but I have not idea what that "- per/mg" means. If we can figure that out, I'll show you how to calculate the dose.
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