As I'm sure you know, there is no answer. This is a philosophical question and there is no answer as such. However, I will give you the main arguments for and against, without getting into my personal beliefs at all.
Yes: There are other religions in the world that originated before Christianity, so therefore we must have created God. Also, we are the only life that we know of that actually worships God, and has religion (that we know of).
No: There is evidence showing that the events in the Bible actually did happen and are very credible.
(Yes) Counter: They could have been based on truth, but skewed to keep the religious people on track, to try and show that there was more evidence than existed. How can you say the Bible isn't just some novel that was highly based on true events, yet skewed the real truth to add in God?
That's where I'll leave off, pretty crappy and I'm sorry, but I'm not particularly in a thinking mood. I think I have the flu. Sorry about that! Good luck on your paper!