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Eating the Bedding!


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Nov 3, 2004
I just switched my piggies from CareFresh to Aspen shavings because I can't afford the CF anymore. First thing they do with the new bedding? Eat it. (They hardly ever chew on chewsticks or their wooden chewable house, yet they loooove the aspen shavings.) Is this dangerous for them?
They are probably just tasting it, I'm sure it won't hurt them. If they start eating the aspen instead of pellets or veggies then you might start to worry. More than likely they are just making sure that it isn't food.
Mine periodically chew on on it also. I see no ill effects here. Been using this for months now.
Mine do it too, and I use Aspen. Nothing wrong here either.
Oh good. Thanks guys. Sorry I'm such the over-anxious mother.
lilipution1013 said:
Oh good. Thanks guys. Sorry I'm such the over-anxious mother.

No problem. We were all over-anxious in the beginning. It took me a few months to finally stop checking the cage every hour to make sure they were still breathing.
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