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Behavior Eating Care Fresh Bedding?!


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Dec 5, 2011
I use aspen bedding in my 2x4 C&C cage. Today I bought some blue carefresh bedding to use in the pigaloo and in the "fleece forest," where they always lay and sleep. Its so much softer and they seem to be enjoying its cozyness. Well, I just noticed my 6 month old, Pancake, is eating the carefresh bedding! Is this going to hurt him? Is he just testing it out and will stop? Should I remove it? Thanks.
My 7 year old piggie eats the care fresh bedding. She has been doing this for years and there have been no problems. Although I'm not quite sure why she does this or if it's normal, she seems to like it...not sure how it can taste good though. She doesn't have any problems being backed up, and she is not only eating the bedding - she eats plenty of hay, some pellets, and alot of greens.
I think that test nibbles are normal but if she eats it excessively it could probably cause a blockage. A little bit shouldn't hurt, though.
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