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Drinking Water


Cavy Slave
May 12, 2004
One of my pigs seems to be drinking a lot of water. He has always been one to drink more water than the other, but I think he is starting to drink more and more. Could this be a sign that something is wrong?

Maybe he's getting more excersize and is thursty, I dont really know if this could be a sign of any problems.
I think it's great that the pig is drinking a lot. At least it isn't the other way around. Are you feeding the pigs veggies? What kinds? What kind of pellets?
my piggies are the opposite.. cuz they rarely drink ANY water.. maybe i feed them too much watery veggies
Guinea pigs will naturally drink more when it's warmer, or when they have less veggies available. But if a guinea pig suddley changes its habits and starts drinking a lot more than usual, then you need to get it checked out as it's often a sign that something isn't right. For example diabetes or problems with the kidneys can cause excessive drinking, and a lot of guinea pigs with any kind of infection drink more.

If you can, collect a urine sample to take to the vet with you. Put the guinea pig in a clean plastic tub until he pees, then pour it in to a clean container. A simple dipstick test can rule out a few problems.

Visit https://www.guinealynx.info/forums/ for queries about the health of your cavy.
Perhaps you have been feeding him less watery vegetables?
I was thinking the exact same thing as treen, could be a sign of diabetes. I personally would have him checked just in case. Also have you noticed if he's still peeing?? I know that sounds goofy, and hard to track, but maybe if you do what treen said about the tub (like tupperware) you can be sure he's still peeing as much as he drinks. That's super important.

Good luck!!

It can also be you just have a water drinking pig too (Better to be safe and get a check up to be sure too!)

Petunia, one of my girls, easily drinks twice as much as everyone else. I refresh the water in her cage, the bottle she mainly drinks from, daily. The others are every few days and even then, the bottle is usually about half full. She is fed the same as everyone else, she has checked out fine...she just drinks a load of water.
mncavylover said:
I think it's great that the pig is drinking a lot. At least it isn't the other way around. Are you feeding the pigs veggies? What kinds? What kind of pellets?
I feed them Field Greens mixed with italian parsely, cilantro, and small amount of kale. I give them a small handful about three times a day. They also get the occasional piece of cantalope or a grape. They have LOTS of hay and Cavy Cuisine pellets.
Treen said:
Guinea pigs will naturally drink more when it's warmer, or when they have less veggies available. But if a guinea pig suddley changes its habits and starts drinking a lot more than usual, then you need to get it checked out as it's often a sign that something isn't right. For example diabetes or problems with the kidneys can cause excessive drinking, and a lot of guinea pigs with any kind of infection drink more.

If you can, collect a urine sample to take to the vet with you. Put the guinea pig in a clean plastic tub until he pees, then pour it in to a clean container. A simple dipstick test can rule out a few problems.

Visit https://www.guinealynx.info/forums/ for queries about the health of your cavy.
Good idea. I'll do it.
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