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Doesn't like cozy????!


Active Member
Cavy Slave
Aug 5, 2004
I just finished making a really nice cozy for my girls last night. I was so excited, and with all the good things I've heard I thought my pigs would be all over it.

Alas...they won't even go near it.

Am I being too inpatient? Should I give it some more time? Or is there something I could be doing to make it seem more inviting and safe for them?

Thanks for any advice you guys could give!

Aaww, I feel for you! It took me ages to make a cozy! Well, is the opening of it really wide? If its just floppy and closed I don't think your pigs have realised that they can actually go inside it.

Give it some time and I'm sure they'll work it out!
Try puting something that it really likes inside the cozy ( like a carrot of a piece of apple). Show the carrot to him and let him see you put it inside the cozy. Give him some time and im sure he will go inside it. It worked for my Rocky.
Don't feel bad. My pigs don't really use their cozies that often. Buddy is actually happier sleeping in his litter box. Eewww. Pigs will be pigs.
The opening is quite wide and open. I saw Gin check it out early todaythough. She kind of went in and pushed with her nose at the bottom to see if it had an opening back there too. She then turned around and ran out.
I think you guys are right about them just getting use to the idea. I just hope my girls (Gin & Tonic) finally figure it out and start taking naps in it. I just think it would be so much cozier for them to sleep on soft material than itchy and rough shavings!

Thanks for the reply's. :)

I put paper towels in cozies and beds now because the pigs treat them like litter boxes! Soft, cozy, comfy litter boxes!! At least they stopped climbing into the hay rack! Can take a while for them to figure things out, don't worry.
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