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Do you think? Maybe?


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jan 15, 2005
Miss Piggy is kinda sitting weird... As I am sure most of you know she is pregnant and due any time... the past few days shes been spending more time laying in her litter box... and today was the first day that she checked out her second level... but when i noticed her up there... she seemed to be flexing her butt... and now shes kinda sitting weird in the litter box... kind of standing but with her back end tucked under her and with her back legs farther apart... I guess the question I want to know is she in labor?

Now she ran back up to the second level and is kinda sitting there...
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Is a possible sign of having her litter soon. Also they are more fidgity and cant get comfortable at all. I know that when my squeakers was pregnant about 2 days before she had her pups she kept on circling around the cozies and sitting funny with her legs spread open more. Also they eat their alot more than the earlier pregnancy.
Yeah I was just noticing that she keeps going up and down... up and down... sits in her litter box for a few mins then moves to her cozy then sits beside it... and yeah shes just eating lots today... ive given her like 4 handfuls of alfalfa/hay mix today... and lots of lettuce and some carrots... so roughly 2 more days hey? hmmm... THAT'S TOO LONG!!! ha ha ha ha... i know I'm impatient....
I think you're supposed to take away lofts when they're pregnant so they don't fall or something. The babies may get hurt too.
Wouldn't they provide a safe place for mom to give birth? When mine was about to give birth I gave her a big box that almost took 50% of the cage space and she crawled all the way to the darkest corner in there to give birth in peace. And when all 5 were licked clean and the afterbirth was gone I could just remove the box and the cage was blood-free :)
Guinea pigs don't build nests, and in the wild they give birth out in the open. For safety purposes, when I get pregnant rescues, I do not give them a box or pigloo. I like to be able to see them when they give birth incase they need help.
My Squeakers gave birth in her favorite binky, Peanut gave birth in a boxed hidey house, Muffy gave birth out in the open but missed the birthing on all of them cause it has happend when we were working.
Katie said:
For safety purposes, when I get pregnant rescues, I do not give them a box or pigloo.
Yes, I agree with this. I should have known about this sooner, because when one of my girls gave birth one of her babies got caught underneath the pigloo and was squished... I just wish I were there to help, because when I found the babies(3 alive, 1 dead) she was trapped under there. I would say take all the hidey houses out, as Katie said, for safety purposes. And possibly take the ramp out so she can't get to the upper level until the babies are either out, or grown to where they are big, healthy, and strong.
You can always place a large amount of loose hay for them to go into...you can see them in the hay, they feel safer and less stressed and the hay will help to absorb anything and is immediately disposed afterwards. I think it also would be a more natural and less stressful environment for the mother.
I just wish your sow luck on the upcoming birth and hope everything goes smooth.
Well today she doesnt seem to be moving around as much as she was last night... I don't have any hidy houses in there i just have a fabric tube type thing in there... like a cozy just with both ends open... and I will take the ramp down just to be on the safe side... she either likes to be in her tube thingy or else in the back corner under the second level... where its darkest of course... well and lately shes been laying in her litter box too... my mom said maybe because shes getting close... maybe she feels like she has to go to the bathroom all the time... I know I was like that when I was about to have my son...
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