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Pet Stores Discouraged and demoralized


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Apr 29, 2009
My local Petco was having "Meet the Critters" today, so I called up the manager if I could come in to distribute some flyers (the ones from Guinealynx) and to educate people about the care of guinea pigs. He said sure.

I feel pretty useless. I did give out some flyers. I did encourage people to buy Oxbow, but I feel like I wasn't forceful enough. even though I am very outgoing and will argue with people I know, I am painfully shy around strangers, and I felt like I let the pigs down. Two people were looking for food. Petco didn't sell Oxbow, so I still have to give them Kaytee (I think the other brands they had were much worse) and encourage them to get something without seeds or colored bits. I encouraged them to look into Oxbow, but I don't think they cared.

The last thing that happened was the worst. This mom (she did not speak English at all, so I couldn't even speak to her directly - everything was done through the kids) and four kids, with the oldest maybe being 10 got a baby pig. I was asked by the store employee to help them pick out supplies for the pig. She just wanted the cheapest stuff possible. I did keep telling her/her son they need unlimited hay, so they got orchard grass. I also made them get the Kaytee stuff with no seeds (I kept telling them Oxbow is better and cheaper and to look into it). I tried to get them to get Carefresh, but I ended up having to suggest Aspen. At first, I made them get a hidy, but they put it back and said they would get it tomorrow. They said they were getting a cage from someone whose pig died. I told them to wash it very well and look into C&C cages.

Overall, I am just thinking, how could I let them get that pig? I was so concerned about not antagonizing them or the store and being so shy, and I feel terrible. I feel like I forgot to say half the stuff I needed to too. I am so upset.
If they wanted the pig that was nothing you could have done. You have to spread the word and persuade people to do the right thing, but the final decision is their own.
You should feel good knowing that you tried. Most people don't realize the importance of good food and adopting...which is unfortunate. If you opened the eyes of one person in Petco today, that is a start. And it wouldn't have happened if you were not there. Its hard to see people make bad decision about animals, but there was nothing more you could have done. Good for you for going there and trying to make a difference!
It sounds like you did a good thing today. I think it took courage to approach people you don't know and try educate them. Ditto what ponnett said!!
Don't worry, I think you did a great job. Just you being there helped a lot I'm sure.
Thanks, guys :)

I am back today, ans I have already spoken to a couple people about adoption and the overpopulation problem. I also mentioned to one person who was concerned about expenses that the vet bills and fresh veggies evry day could get expensive. Overall, I am feeling better - I am hoping I am getting the hang of this.
What's so wrong with aspen bedding?
I am sorry, I didn't actually mean to say there is anything wrong with Aspen. I just thought it's easier for them to make the step from Aspen to, let's say, cedar bedding, because it looks a lot more similar, and if it's cheaper, the mom may just decide it's not a big deal. Also, Crefresh is a bit softer for their feet, I think.
Aspen is cheaper than wood pellets, and I think she'd ba able to tell the diference.
Hopefully her kids will find this site.
If you GOOGLE 'guinea-pigs' it comes right up.
I did write down this website for them and talked to them about making a custom cage as well as considering adoption if they decide to get him a companion.
Well, im sure theyll have questions later on so hopefully they'll come here like you showed them. :D
I'm glad you feel you did better. You don't work for the store (I don't think) and I think the owner might get mad if you really stopped them from buying. And I don't think if they wanted it that badly you could have stopped them.
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