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Depressed piggie

Christys GPS

Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Apr 18, 2005
My piggie Toby (sheltie) is very depressed, I am unsure why?

He and Romeo and Abner had gotten to a huge fight, it has been a constant battle with them three for the last couple of days. Romeo and Abner are taking food away from the other guys, which kinda suprises me cause Romeo and Buzz were together when I adopted them. They are attacking Buzz and Toby, they do not bother the baby Oreo.So I have Abner and Romeo in a diffrent c&c, I have been reintroducing them and the fighting is getting worse, Toby has had a split lip, on his nose he has had to have two stitches to close his wound.Buzz has hair missing, Romeo has patched of hair gone, and Abner, the same. But now he is on top of the c&c, for all day yesterday and today, he will not let anyone up there (Buzz and Oreo) he just lays there and he doesnt come down at all, last night I had taken the food and water from up there away and he is still just laying there. So I am unsure what to do, I have been holding him, he is fine with that. But when I put him in the bottom of the cage he runs straight to the top. So I am curious on what to do? I love Romeo and Abner, but I know I can not introduce them, they are hurting my other guys. Any advice on how I can make Toby better? Or what to do in general?
If it doesn't get better, you'll have to separate them. Is the cage big enough if you put a divider into it?
I have tried that they go at it and bite the grids,
You could put coroplast against the grids that separate them, or just have two separate cages.
You have to make sure he is eating. I hope he isn't lethargic- watch for that.
Right now he is munching on some hay not to much the veggies, I am watching him closely though, is this normal piggie behavior?
It looks like youre going to have to separate everyone who's fighting. Having to get stitches is really bad. It sucks that you have to separate them, but for their well being I would, especially if youre worried about someone not getting food.
He is not touching his veggies?
When I got one of my pigs, he would not eat veggies. He was really depressed to be away from his first home, which leaves me to believe like us they lose appetite when they are sad. Maybe he is in pain too for his battle wounds. Again, the same pig I have did not eat much after his neutering surgery.

As long as he's eating something that's good so he doesn't shut down. I would record his weight and make sure he doesn't lose any. Maybe try stroking him and hand feeding him, if he's comfortable with you that might help. Hope he gets better.
Sometimes when pigs are sick/stressed they stop eating their veggies. I would suggest weighing him everyday until he gets better. Sounds like the best solution is to have 2 pairs of males in separate cages, that's what I have.

In order to stimulated Toby's appetite, you can keep stress to a minimum, but having company is good so maybe put him with a pig he gets along with. Fresh grass or fresh dandelions or chickweed or little bits of fruit can also stimulate their appetitie. Just make sure to introduce grass slowly, maybe 1 handful the first day.
Thank you for the replies, he is drinking alot of water, his weight I will monitor that for the next few days, I have a salad up there for him of romane, and green peppers, he hasnt really touched them but when I put the hay rack back up there he went straight to that. Buzz is up there right now, but is keeping his distance, he is pooping though thats a good thing right? I am going to call my vet and see if I can get pain meds, I am thinking that is wrong with him, but when I touch and hold him it doesnt seem like it, will keep you posted.
Pooping is good yes, but even very sick pigs poop. You can monitor the size of his poops, if they are smaller than normal, that means he's eating less. Probably it's pain, who knows, at least he's eating hay, that's good, but if he starts losing weight, you may have to syringe feed him. Because he's not eating veggies and is stressed out, it's very important that he gets supplemental vitamin C every day, your vet will probably tell you to do this, it's as simple as crushing up part of a vitamin C tablet and syringing it to him in water.
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