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Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Apr 10, 2004
I've never owned animals before, so I'm not really sure on what to do when my piggies pass away. What do most of you guys do? Bury them? If so how, in what and where.
My Pebbles died in November, and my family has always had a proper burial for our pets. We bury our pets in a graden to the side of the house, and I put a gravemarker down. Right now I'm saving up for a more expensive one.
We buried my guinea pig, Shaggy, in this nice pink box with see-through plastic on the top. We buried him under our deck, his favorite place to eat grass.
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My family's buried several cats and numerous birds. No guinea pigs, though. We used to place them in a small box and then bury them in a deep hole (so neighborhood dogs won't dig them up) in the backyard. We'd cover the grave with new soil and put flowers on the grave and make a grave-marker. We'd have a procession and say words, like in a human ceremony.

There are also companies that will cremate your pet if you have nowhere to bury them.
Thanks for the replies. I think I will bury them in my garden
Oh my gosh Piglet, I saw this thread name and started freaking out! I thought that maybe Ascot or Furlong passed on! Phew.
That's what I thought! Whew.
Aww, no, my boys are still with me :)
I don't like the idea of burial (for people or animals) and seeing as I rent it'd hardly be appropriate anyway. I take mine to the vets for cremation. For people who want it they do individual cremations so you can have the ashes.
I had my pig Oscar Cremated. We got to pick out the Urn we wanted, and when I picked his ashes up they had his Urn inside a purple fuzzy heart box. I thought that was cute. I've always buried my pets in the past on our property-but I think cremation is better...I'd rather be cremated and I think that's what my little guys would like better too.
You know what, 1st this is a bit, ya know, over-reactive. Dismal. Sad etc. who wants to think about death!?

personally i think its bessed to toss dead pets into a flowing river or stream, it seems so much more peaceful...

anyone who is sad enough towant to choose an urn... KEEPING GUINEA PIG ASHES! no offence but that it a bit, well... wrong. scatter the ashes maby. but come on!
lampy thats really rude. I love my pigs, I have the remnants of my second pig in my room. I "pet" him every day. Maybe when I am older I will get rid of his ashes but its calming knowing he;s still with me, at least a bit. Why would you dump a dead pet into a river? I think that seems kinda odd but if that what you do, whatever.
Oh come on lampy, death in inevitable. It shouldn't be considered as a sad thing, its just natural!

I needed an answer, so I asked this question. People keep human ashes, so why is it wrong to keep guinea pig ashes?
I, actually, am going to get my pigs cremated when their time comes. They can always be with me, in my room, when I'm lonely(Though that might not be for quite some time, heh) and I know that they lived a happy life and are there right with me. I think it's better to cremate than to bury, in some cases. No, it's not wrong at all to keep guinea pig ashes, especially if we keep human ashes!
Piglet, you brought up a great topic in thinking ahead. I strongly recommend having a necropsy done if your piggie passes and you have other piggies in your home. Death can be unexpected and many haven't thought ahead enough to consider a necropsy to possibly save your other piggies of something you can treat/prevent that you otherwise would not have been aware of. Education to what could have caused your pigs passing can be very vital to your other piggies existance..
lampy said:
You know what, 1st this is a bit, ya know, over-reactive. Dismal. Sad etc. who wants to think about death!?

personally i think its bessed to toss dead pets into a flowing river or stream, it seems so much more peaceful...

anyone who is sad enough towant to choose an urn... KEEPING GUINEA PIG ASHES! no offence but that it a bit, well... wrong. scatter the ashes maby. but come on!
How rude! The majority of people on these boards love their pets dearly. Why do you find it funny that we would keep the ashes of our loved pets? Do you think it odd that some people keep the ashes of their loved ones?

Tossing pets into a river or stream isn't only irreverent, it is also polluting the water (in a more practical sense). Please rethink your words. Thank you.
If you toss your beloved pet into a stream who knows what might get hold of it? Hawks, gar fish, large predators... I personally think that cremation is a perfectly fine alternative to burial, and its a way to keep your pets with you, somewhat. I personally wasn't raised with the idea of cremation, and I don't think I would choose it myself(You know, traditional old-fashioned "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, all returns to earth" kinda girl) but hey, is that my decision?
I would find it a bit disturbing to have someone's ashes in my home especially my room. Human or pet... It's definitely not wrong to value and remember your pet even after they die. We bury ours on the edge of the forest and my grandma got a bunch of headstones that were scratched or chipped slightly for free. They're no more damaged than a headstone that has sat in the weather for a year or two so my pets get blue and red granite grave markers.
mncavylover said:
Tossing pets into a river or stream isn't only irreverent, it is also polluting the water (in a more practical sense). Please rethink your words. Thank you.
Maybe they meant the ashes in the river which seems nice. I dont think they really meant just dump the body in the river.
personally i think its bessed to toss dead pets into a flowing river or stream, it seems so much more peaceful...

anyone who is sad enough towant to choose an urn... KEEPING GUINEA PIG ASHES! no offence but that it a bit, well... wrong. scatter the ashes maby. but come on!
It didn't sound like it.
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