I am new here, but I am going to weigh in. I am a long time horse owner (though currently horseless) and I know horse meat is also a hot topic. I actually do not have a problem with horse meat or any other meat as long as the animals are raised in humane environment acceptable for THEIR SPECIES. You can't raise horses for food like rabbits or cows. It won't work. Also, slaughtering practices need to be as humane and pain/panic free as possible. I know you cannot eliminate all of it, but we have a LOT of room for improvement.
I also believe that anything that is to be meat should be raised FOR MEAT. I could never send my mare I had for 18 years to slaughter. She was raised a pet and I think to do anything but humanly euthanize her at the end would be cruel. I feel the same way about rabbits or cows. Floppsy and Bessy in the back yard as family should be treated like family until the very end. But animals raised in a farm situation for food consumption are s different story. I have no desire to be vegetarian or vegan. But I do not judge those who are, whatever their reason.
I agree with previous posters. You are for or against meat consumption. Picking and choosing species doesn't make sense to me.
I also believe that anything that is to be meat should be raised FOR MEAT. I could never send my mare I had for 18 years to slaughter. She was raised a pet and I think to do anything but humanly euthanize her at the end would be cruel. I feel the same way about rabbits or cows. Floppsy and Bessy in the back yard as family should be treated like family until the very end. But animals raised in a farm situation for food consumption are s different story. I have no desire to be vegetarian or vegan. But I do not judge those who are, whatever their reason.
I agree with previous posters. You are for or against meat consumption. Picking and choosing species doesn't make sense to me.