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Cage Damp under fleece?


Cavy Slave
Oct 20, 2021
Recently when I’ve removed the kitchen area of my boys’ cage, it’s really damp under there, extending a bit under the fleece pad as well. I can’t figure out where it’s coming from. I don’t think it’s pee since it has no scent, so the only thing I can think of is it’s the water bottle somehow, but I just got a new, non leaking one!

any ideas would be appreciated, I’m worried for my boys, since I know damp isn’t good for them
Is it one of those plastic kitchen inserts from this site?
Maybe it could be the condensation from the pee/water in the cage. You could try putting paper towels or fleece under there to wick up the moisture.

When I had a kitchen (not sure if it came from this site because I bought it second hand), I had this issue too from what I remember. I used to spray/wipe down the coroplast when changing fleece. I figured the wetness was from my not drying it enough. After removing the kitchen (didn't like the pigs having to leap over the edge of the kitchen), I never had this issue again.
So, update! I think it was an issue with the water bottle, because I move it so that it was attached on the inside of the cage and not on the outside (with the nozzle through the bars), and haven't had water issues since.
I think when my boys were drinking, water was dribbling out and between the cage and the kitchen.
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