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Cubes to Cavy ratios needed



Cubes to Cavy ratios needed

I have one guinea pig now. He lives in a C&C 2x3 grid cage now. It seems plenty big for him, but if I decide to add more piggies, how many cubes should I add? Please tell me what the ratio is for up to 4 piggies. Thank you!



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Re: Cubes to Cavy ratios needed

Reyana, this info is from the front page of the Cavycages website. They suggest 2x3 grids for 1 pig, 2x4 for 2, 2x5 for 3 and 2x6 for 4. I gotta tell ya, I am going broke buying Carefresh bedding for the bottom of my 2x5 grid cage. I have 4 females in there. Good luck. Jody




Thank you so much... for some reason, I didn't see the numbers on the cavycages homepage. Oh well. As for bedding, I use towels because it's so much cheaper! However, my Cody is litter box trained so that helps a lot. The only shavings I use is for the litter box, and I buy that in bulk to save money. I can clean the towels once a week, and I'm fine. The towels I find at Target for $1.66 a piece so I have like 10 of them. I also love using fleece blankets. The ones that Walmart and Target sell for $10 are perfect size! And at this discount store, I found the same towels for $5! I have a few of those, but my husband likes to cuddle in those himself so doesn't like it very much if I use them for Cody. :) hee hee. Thanks again, and good luck!



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Re: Bedding

I use towels for my upper level. I would like to try to litter train them for the bottom, too. I would love to spend less money on litter! I have to say, I haven't figured out if they just go in one area or not. It seems spread around. I will have to work on it.
Thanks, Jody


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