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Cubes on Sale at Target Tomorrow!!!!


New Member
Cavy Slave
Aug 22, 2004
For anyone who is having trouble finding cubes.....

I always get my Sunday paper and ads on Saturday night. I was checking out
the TARGET ad and they have our cubes on sale. You can get white or black and they will be $9.88. I got mine there the last time they were on sale for $11.00 and they had plenty...as long as you go on Sunday morning! If you can't find them make sure you get a raincheck for when they come in!!

Hope this helps
cool. I would do that but just spent all of our money today for my birthday.
D''oh... happy belated birthday!!!!!!
Yeah I know, my mom pointeed the grids out to me! Thanks for telling!
i can never find them i look everywhere but there not there!
They are there in the organizational shelving section. They are called ORGANIZE-IT wire shelving. They are grouped together with the bookcases and such.
Or they may not have it at all... my Targets never carried it for some reason when it wasn't advertised.. but when they DO advertise, they have it. How odd.
husband found them bought me two boxes just we have no room for a cage argh we only have one room
We bought two more boxes, two days before they went on sale (we got the price adjustment though) and that's how we built the bigger cage. My husband had to drive 40 minutes one way to another Target to get them!
I had bought 2 boxes of 30 cubes each at Costco for 18.99 a set just 2 weeks ago to start my C&C cage. But then I heard about this, so I picked up two more boxes from Target! What an aweome price!!! Not sure what to do with them.. but it never hurts to have extras when it's such a great price! Thanks Shadowsmom! :)
grr, I didn't make it to Target.
me either! And I was going to go out and buy some today too!! I'm going to go check just in case. I might try Costco too since I have to renew my membership anyway. What was the better deal?? Target ot Costco??
in target here they still have like 10boxes left i wonder if i should buy some more i dont really need it though
umm... target has the better deal since it was 9.98 for 24 grids! costco is almost twice the price at 18.99 for only 6 more grids (you get 30) =)

but since the sale ended already, i'm not sure which is better.. it all depends on the normal retail price
Target is normally $14.99 so lets round that up to $15.
$15 for 23 grids and 26 connectors (they give you 2 extra)
Or $19 for 30 grids connectors =??
at Costco, you get 30 grids and 30 grid connectors for $18.99 :)
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! I don't know why but I surely am glad.My local Target has started to sell the Organize-it cubes.Their priced at $14.99 for 6 cubes,they come in the colors black and white,I've chosen to get black.
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