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Rescues Crusty brown in nose


Active Member
Cavy Slave
Oct 15, 2016
So my foster guinea pig which I got today has some crusty brown stuff inside his nose. The rescue who I foster with said nothing about it and I'm not sure what it is or what I should do if he does need to go to the vet whether I should take him or whether I should talk to the rescue.


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I would talk to the rescue and keep an eye on it, it could be a sign of illness or fungus but if it's only on the inside of his nose it's possible the rescue didn't notice. They should be responsible for providing vet care.

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Ok thanks so much

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Can you post a close-up picture of it?

Also, see https://www.guinealynx.info/cheilitis.html and see if that looks like what it is. If so, you can probably clear it up with triple antibiotic cream. Apply sparingly with a q-tip and rub it in well.
No it's a little bit different to that. I can't take a close up picture at the moment but it's just brownish coloured and it's actually inside of the nostril. It maybe dried blood but I'm not sure??

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Post a picture when you can get it.

It could be dried blood. Guinea pigs can get hay pokes in the nose, and nosebleeds aren't unheard of.

The main thing to do is to watch it carefully and make sure it's not spreading. That would indicate a fungus or bacterial infection that needed treatment. But if it's dried, like a scab, and you don't see any change in it in the the next day or so, it's probably ok.
Well I came to see him this morning and the brown crust has actually just totally disappeared which is very good. I will still keep watching though in case it comes back, but for the moment his nose is looking much more clear. Thank you everyone who helped me out with this because I was an it concerned but it has all turned out ok[emoji4]

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Happy to read the problem seems to have resolved itself. :)
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