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Critter Store


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jun 18, 2004
Just a thought.... Why is Critterstore.com selling excerize wheels for guinea pigs? Those are really bad for guinea pigs.....cause bad backs and feet. I always thought the Critter Store was good. It's kind of disapointing....

Here's the link if you want to check it out....
(broken link removed)
Those are really for chinchillas, rats, mice, and hamsters.
roosterboy said:
Those are really for chinchillas, rats, mice, and hamsters.
Your right and they don't show a picture of a cavy in a exercize wheel
Look at it this way: at least they made sure they didn't have spokes and they won't get caught on their feet. That's much better than many other sources. Also, many books say that these are fine for piggies, so unless they've found a forum like this one, they probably wouldn't know. It is really the responsibility of the pet caregiver to seek out the right products, too. Don't get me wrong; I think it's a bad idea. I just wanted to point out the fact that this isn't too bad. =)
It was in the guinea pig section.So obviusly it was intended to be bought for guinea pigs.......
I know, I see that. Although I can't agree with that, at least they tried to make sure they were safe for the pigs. There was some effort made here. It could have been worse, and there is much misleading information out there supporting this idea. If you want, you could always write in and tell them your opinion. =)
mncavylover said:
I know, I see that. Although I can't agree with that, at least they tried to make sure they were safe for the pigs. There was some effort made here. It could have been worse, and there is much misleading information out there supporting this idea. If you want, you could always write in and tell them your opinion. =)
Yeah, your right.... I just makes me frustrated when a place that new pet owners look up to for advice does something wrong that people usually copy... Sigh.... It's not that big of a deal I just wanted to point it out......
*Piggie Lover*
Yes, I know where you're coming from. Books, especially, can be misleading. Maybe I should write a book about piggies... That would be fun! =) Of course, we could all write one together! I suppose this site can replace any book though. It frustrates me, too, just like how the balls have pictures of piggies on them when they are clearly not meant for them. You'd think they would make sure it was good... *sigh*.
It's so frustrating..... Ecpecially petstores, but that's a whole other topic/thread! :)
*Piggie Lover*
Hey! I just checked out the site again and you can contact them by email! I might write an email to them explaining all this. The only problem is I am not sure if my mom would like it if went emailing some company and giving them my email address and stuff.
*Piggie Lover*
Awesome!!! Awww, don't worry about the whole email thing. They won't do anything. It's not like they can find out where you live or anything, right? You can mail them if you feel safer that way. And remember, parents don't need to know everything... (sneaky laugh) ;)
piggielover92 said:
Just a thought.... Why is Critterstore.com selling excerize wheels for guinea pigs? Those are really bad for guinea pigs.....cause bad backs and feet. I always thought the Critter Store was good. It's kind of disapointing....

Here's the link if you want to check it out....
(broken link removed)

I noticed that too, I wondered why they had it in the piggy section but I never thought to ask.
mncavylover said:
Awesome!!! Awww, don't worry about the whole email thing. They won't do anything. It's not like they can find out where you live or anything, right? You can mail them if you feel safer that way. And remember, parents don't need to know everything... (sneaky laugh) ;)
He, he! Maybe I will.... Oh why not... I'll do it right now... I'll keep you posted on what happens...
I did it! I sent them an email! And I am pretty sure it went through! Here's a copy of what I sent them.... I hope you all think it's okay....

Dear CritterStore,
Hello! I am a big guinea pig lover and have 5 of my own at the moment. I was recently on your website and noticed something that I think should be brought to your attention. You are currently selling excercise wheels in the guinea pig section of your website. I understand you have made them as safe as possible, but they are still not safe for a guinea pig. Excercise wheels and balls used with guinea pigs lead to injured feet and bad backs. So many new guinea pig owners look up to companies like you for advice and this is not setting a good example. Please consider removing the excercise wheels from the guinea pig section of your website. Thank You!
A Concerned Customer

I hope this works! Thanks for giving me the "courage" to do this! :)
*Piggie Lover*
piggielover92 said:
I did it! I sent them an email! And I am pretty sure it went through! Here's a copy of what I sent them.... I hope you all think it's okay....

Dear CritterStore,
Hello! I am a big guinea pig lover and have 5 of my own at the moment. I was recently on your website and noticed something that I think should be brought to your attention. You are currently selling excercise wheels in the guinea pig section of your website. I understand you have made them as safe as possible, but they are still not safe for a guinea pig. Excercise wheels and balls used with guinea pigs lead to injured feet and bad backs. So many new guinea pig owners look up to companies like you for advice and this is not setting a good example. Please consider removing the excercise wheels from the guinea pig section of your website. Thank You!
A Concerned Customer

I hope this works! Thanks for giving me the "courage" to do this! :)
*Piggie Lover*

Good Job!!!!!!!!!! I bet they will listen, you made some good points. And if they remove it from the guinea pig section its not like it will hurt business because people can still purchase them, for their other pets.
I think that was very well written. Thanks for taking a stand and letting a store know that they could improve something for the lives of guinea pigs!
MetallichicA said:
I think that was very well written. Thanks for taking a stand and letting a store know that they could improve something for the lives of guinea pigs![/QUOT

Yep definantly well written, you did a great job!!!
Thanks sooo much!
*Piggie Lover*
piggielover92 said:
Thanks sooo much!
*Piggie Lover*
let us know when the reply comes along, ok?
loves2travel said:
let us know when the reply comes along, ok?
*Piggie Lover*
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