I recently got two guinea pigs, one named Cora and one named Allie. Allie is really shy but is fine once she's in your lap. But Cora, she's a crazy girl! I love her to death already, she's precious, but she hates being held...passionately . She's seemingly not afraid of anything and she's only a couple months old. She's so adventurous. During play time, she is running around trying to find ways to escape the huge pen I made. She does this when she's in the cage too. I'm constantly trying to find ways to intellectually stimulate her because seriously, she's so smart it amazes me. I know she's happy cause she's always zooming around the cage and popcorning. I tried to hold her today and she kept running off my lap trying to explore and when I brought her back after several times she nipped me. I know babies do this but I think she's got a feisty side. What is your advice? She's super sweet to Allie, they snuggle. I'm happy that's not a problem.