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General Craigslist People Looking For Cages


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Dec 18, 2011
Hello again,

So lately I've been roaming around craigslist looking for another girl piggy that needs a home to add to my herd, and I've seen a ton of those "I need a guinea pig cage" Ads, so I thought it would be a good idea to respond to a few of them, letting them know of this website and the "Cheap, awesome, cage you can make to even fit your home!" I've gotten a few emails back thanking me for the link since they had never known of this place.

Anyway, just wanted to mention that if you see someone looking for cages on craigslist, it might not hurt to send them a nicely worded email about the joys of a C&C cage, and give them the link to here. Seeing as it might save a few guinea pigs from a life in a cage ten times smaller than the minimum on this site, they also might go so far as to register and learn some more about guinea pig care.


The human, Fus, Ro Dah, Godric, and Nova
Really thoughtful idea.
I think that most people won't go the extra mile to find the supplies and make the cage like we all do. But hopefully some of them will go the extra mile.
I actually made an ad offering free cage help for building your own cage yada yada yada and I've had 2 people email actually looking for help, everybody else just wanted the free cage. ::sigh::
I mean it's not like it can hurt, if anything it can help people to get better cages for their guinea pigs, even if most people aren't willing to, there will be a few who welcome the help and join looking for better lives for their pigs. :D
Thought I'd bump this again, I've emailed lots of people with craiglist ads asking for cages and such, and have directed them to this website and told them about C&C cages. I've gotten actually tons of replies saying thanks, and that they made the cage, and/or joined the forum for more info. :)
Thought I'd bump this again, I've emailed lots of people with craiglist ads asking for cages and such, and have directed them to this website and told them about C&C cages. I've gotten actually tons of replies saying thanks, and that they made the cage, and/or joined the forum for more info. :)

I keep finding the SAME person in Florida and have emailed that person quite a few times about this site. I've even gone as far as giving her links to youtube showing this person how to make the C&C cage and yet this person STILL wants a premade one *sigh*
I do that all the time. I also suggest switching hay when someone is rehoming guinea pigs due to allergies. Recently, someone put up their guinea pig for adoption and it sounded like a really sad ad. I emailed the person and gave her tips on using fleece to save money, buying bales of hay instead of packaged and getting corn husks and free veggies from grocery stores. She sent me back a really nice email and decided to keep him after all. I sent her one of my sets of fleece and mentioned our open house in November. She said she lives right near there and plans to come to it. It's funny, but I've made some Craigslist and eBay friends just through emails.
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