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Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Nov 4, 2004
I have noticed that the past two days one of my girls seems to be sneeking/coughing. She will be in her hide and I will hear a strange noise which I am guessing is either coughing or sneezing. I am worried that I am going to call tomorrow to make an apt at a vet that is a town over since they have many vets and one of them specializes in pocketpets. What I was wondering is when
I take abby in should I bring her mom in also since they live together? Thanks for the future advice. It really helps. It seems that this month will be the month of vet bills since we already are planning on taking our leopard gecko next week if she still is being picky. Thanks again.
Definately take both. She has been exposed to the illness by air and sharing food bowls and water bottles. If that is what it is. Sounds like an Upper Respitory Infection.
I know that might be the cause but she is eating like a well pig and she has clear eyes and nose. I am worried because today she sat on me lap and didn't try to bit me. Which she usually does if I don't have a treat to give her. Well thanks again. I will keep you informed.
I had a pig that I suspected of having an URI. I took him and his cage mate who was acting normally. It turned out that both had it and I was treating them both at the same time instead of getting one well, just to find out the other was now sick when he started showing symptoms.
Well, my pigs(who are beeing treated now for URI's) still were eating almost all their food. So, I think you should go to the vet. You never know.

Hope this helps!!!!!

I am planning on taking them to the vet. I am calling first thing. I just wonder if it had to do with the bedding which is aspen. It has been making me sneeze. I cant wait to see what the vet says. This will be the first time they have been to the vet since we first got them in dec. Thanks again.
How often are they sneezing and coughing? Does the coughing sound like a cat trying to cough a hairball up? That's what I call choking. I have a pig that eats too fast and chokes on her food.
Good question ly. Well untill two days ago nothing. And Last night I heard Abby do it a few times then stopped and haven't heard a peep out of her since. I think maybe she is choking, I am going to listen hard. It seems she does it usually after she grooms herself which she does it far more often then her mom connie. Wait, I just heard a sneeze. But as I watch my pigs I realize its my dog. darn! I will keep you informed.
Is this cough/sneeze like a little sniff? Mine do this sometimes & I'm not sure whether to worry or not...someone suggested my piggies might have allergies to something. Only two out of the three of them seem to do it....strange...
mefingas said:
I am planning on taking them to the vet. I am calling first thing. I just wonder if it had to do with the bedding which is aspen. It has been making me sneeze. I cant wait to see what the vet says. This will be the first time they have been to the vet since we first got them in dec. Thanks again.

You have them on shavings? Dust from shavings can cause respiratory problems so its better to use carefresh or something similar.
One of my piggies about 2 months ago started with a gagging, choking sound. She does it about every other day. She is not eating or drinking at the time. She is fine in every way.
Check for wheezing as well, my piggie had clear eyes and a good appetite while having a URI.. Wheezing is distinct, you can hold them and feel their chest rising and falling and can really tell if the piggie might have fluid in the lungs. Also my piggie coughed when I picked her up. Wheezing in Peaches didn't show up till the 2nd or third day. Coughing was the first symptom. If your piggie is sick though and still eating take that as a very good sign for recovery.

My boys both sneeze ocassionally. I think, just like humans, a sneeze here and there is no cause for alarm. Scooter also makes the "coughing up a hairball sound" when he eats too fast and sometimes just out of the blue.
Sneezing 2-3 times a day is pretty normal. Sneezing can be due to the shavings, paper bedding and hay. If they sneeze quite frequently during the day, you then need to worry about illness. Are they still eating/drinking, peeing/pooing normally?
Well yesterday abby sneezed a few times in a row but then I moved them and changed their bedding and I havent heard a peep. Both of my pigs are eating, drinking, and going the bathroom normally. It hasn't been as hot so they are back to their normal drinking of the water. I listened to both of them and no wheezing. We would use carefresh but it is expensive and once it cools back down we will switch back to fleece. Thanks again, I am keeping a close eye on them. Today they had playtime outside twice, and they loved munching on the grass and taking a snooze. They were so cute. Thanks.
If they seem fine, they may have just been sneezing due to the bedding. I'd be sure to keep a good eye on them and watch for any other symptoms.
Thanks Ly, I am. And they both seem fine. Maybe they knew if I thought something was wrong I would give them playtime outside. I am going to weight both of them today and weigh them every three days just as an extra precaution. Thanks again for all the great advice.
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