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Bedding Cost-Efficient Litter Box Bedding?


Active Member
Cavy Slave
Nov 26, 2019
Hi! I've been using fleece for the main part of my piggies' cage, and pelleted paper cat litter for their litter box. The problem is that they go through the paper litter pretty fast (I spot clean the litter box every night) and it's expensive.

What does everyone else use for litter boxes, and how expensive/absorbent is it? Thanks.
Wood pellets. There are several threads about them on this forum. Cheapest by far, and also the best at odor control.
I use Aspen wood shavings as the bottom layer and then paper pellet cat litter on top. Every day, I remove the poops, wet paper pellets and aspen shavings and refresh it. However, I do not empty out the entire litter bin . The entire bin is emptied out 2-3 times weekly. Aspen shavings is very inexpensive for a huge bag. I've also used shredded paper from work before in lieu of the aspen shavings.
Thanks! I will do some more research on both the wood pellets and aspen to figure out what would work best for me.
I'm using Kaytee Clean Comfort small pet bedding in my cage. I spot clean every day. It seems to be working for me.
I'm using Kaytee Clean Comfort small pet bedding in my cage. I spot clean every day. It seems to be working for me.
I use paper bedding as well. Small Pet Select has it in bulk, if I run out between, then Carefresh. It is an expensive option as far as price, but it lasts long and absorbs better than wood shavings in my opinion. I think piggy fur and butt stays cleaner and seems to breathe better and have less skin issues with paper as well. Hope you find the right fit for you!
Most of my cage has fleece liners. I have a litter box in the loft and one the main level in which I put a layer of Petco SoPhresh over which there is a generous amount of hay. My cavies have always loved the setup as it enables them to do two things at once. Because they also seem to like to sleep in the litter box, it has to be tided a couple of times a day to remove the soiled hay and poops. The litter seems to last a long time as we generally just scoop out the soiled area, spray with Cage Clean and add fresh litter as required.

I've tried a lot of different products and the SoPhresh is both cost-effective and good at controlling odor. I buy either the pellets or crumbled paper variety.

Most of my cage has fleece liners. I have a litter box in the loft and one the main level in which I put a layer of Petco SoPhresh over which there is a generous amount of hay. My cavies have always loved the setup as it enables them to do two things at once. Because they also seem to like to sleep in the litter box, it has to be tided a couple of times a day to remove the soiled hay and poops. The litter seems to last a long time as we generally just scoop out the soiled area, spray with Cage Clean and add fresh litter as required.

I've tried a lot of different products and the SoPhresh is both cost-effective and good at controlling odor. I buy either the pellets or crumbled paper variety.

Spy9doc: I have always been curious about so phresh. Is it a paper litter just compacted instead of more loose like care fresh. It is definitely cheaper so if it’s paper based and works like Carefresh I’d love to try it!
About wood pellets- do they have to be covered by fleece, or can they just be put by themselves into the litter box?
People do it both ways. I used a thin layer of fleece because I could just shake the hay and poop off and put it back in.
Spy9doc: I have always been curious about so phresh. Is it a paper litter just compacted instead of more loose like care fresh. It is definitely cheaper so if it’s paper based and works like Carefresh I’d love to try it!

Yes, it is a compacted paper litter. I have used the crumbled paper variety for a long time and it works quite well. Recently, it has been frequently out of stock and I tried the paper pellets. When they are covered with a layer of hay, the boys never feel them and they last a bit longer. I once tried wooden pellets and my cavies didn't like them underfoot and I found them quite noisy. If you are going to use them over the whole cage, then I suggest that you cover them with a layer of fleece.

People occasionally advise against using a litter that contains baking soda saying that it can cause respiratory problems, but none of my cavies have ever manifested such issues. I presume that you are already using a litter box? I think the secret to making your cavies happy is to have one large enough that they can stretch out to be comfortable. I formerly bought those marketed as "kitten litter pan" at WalMart, but it was always hit and miss to find them. I finally found an online source that works really well. Don't be put off by the height of the sides. Even young cavies can jump over. They seem to take great delight in hopping into the litter box and landing on the fresh hay.

Here are a couple of sources for the litter pan:
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