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Coroplast Coroplast Price?


Active Member
Cavy Slave
Nov 27, 2011
I have a hook up for Coroplast...I can get a 4'x8' sheet for $30..good price? The only other hook up in town is $50 and has to be ordered. I figure that 4x8 will give me enough to do both the bottom and the balcony of the 2x3 cage...trying to get hubby to let me just do a 2x4 and put it under the TV in the living room.
Where are you located? If you're in the states you should be able to find coroplast cheaper then that. I paid $14 for one piece and $20 for my other.

Outside of the US, it might be more expensive. However, I don't have a lot of knowledge about piggy supplies abroad.
I live in CT. Everything is expensive here. You should have seen the amount I just laid out for fleece!
Try this place.
(broken link removed)

The location near me used to sell coroplast for $10 per sheet. They've recently changed to $15.

Edit to add: Did you call all the sign stores in your area? If you tell them you're using it for a cage and not planning to make your own sign, they might sell it to you cheaper. You might also be able to find free signs if they have some misprinted ones or find old political signs.
I got grids off freecycle and Craigslist. 40 for $7 and they are 9x9. I called sign Mart in Middletown. Fleece I got from Walmart.
I got my coroplast for free after a local election.
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