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Chat Coronavirus: Can our piggies catch it


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Dec 14, 2019
Its been discussed to death world wide, so I’m not starting a thread about talking us catching it. (My thoughts and prayers are for all affected and their loved ones!:love: ) However, if we did happen to get it or someone in our house, could our piggies get it? It was said to come from animals (thinking it was a bat) in China. So if the bats could give it to us, could we in reverse give it to our piggies (or any pet for that matter)? I’m especially concerned for our piggies as their immune systems are so fragile and an aggressive respiratory illness could easily take their poor lives. :sad: Does anyone know if they can get it? Have you heard anything about pets getting it?
I don't think they know enough about it to know. A friend of mine is an infectious diseases specialist, and she says there just hasn't been enough reliable research or reporting on it to know much at all about it.
I was afraid of that. Well wash our hands and say our prayers is all we can do. I wish there was more info for people and pets alike.
According to this article, the odds are very slim for dogs to get it...I know they're different than piggies, but it's still comforting! https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/li...xukh6Z4SJwlaS_r78osUbJbpXyo3jHbgAWLqSBRH0Z104 I've simply been extra aware of washing my hands before petting or feeding my piggies, and stocking up on their food and veggies since the stores have been so crazy.
That is nice to hear! Our stores are out of fresh produce. She will have to eat pellets and hay until things restock which will be a few weeks I’m sure. Thankfully pellets and hay are nutritionally balanced on their own and we have plenty of both. But boy will she start squawking about it. She already does when we delay her beloved veggies. lol

May we and our our pets stay safe from all illness. God bless us all!
I hear a lot of people saying this is no big deal, and vice versa. Regardless of what you might think of COVID-19:

The coming weeks worldwide are going to be historic. The level of what is happening here is unprecedented, and it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better.

So at this time I just want to say to all of you,

Look after yourselves. Take care and stay safe. I'm looking forward to seeing you all on the other side of this with every one of you, your families and your piggies safe and healthy.
@petluv I hope you--and her!-- survive the tantrums over no fresh veggies lol and that your stores get them back in! I just learned frozen vegetables can be ok in an emergency, as long as they're not cooked before having been frozen.

@Guinea Pig Papa I very much agree...it shouldn't be a cause of mass panic, but it should for sure be taken seriously. And stock up on supplies due to people buying out the stores alone. Indeed, the best to everyone and every pet/piggy during this!
Scientifically most human diseases or illness aren't' carried into animals. and some animal diseases or illnesses can't be transmitted to humans.
COVID-19 isn't one of them.
we can't give it to them. being that most animals are immune to human illnesses.

that being said, just keep washing your hands before handling your babies, and keep cleaning their homes. stay consistent :)

Edited by bpatters: While it's probably true that they wouldn't catch it from humans, I don't think we know enough about it say that with any confidence. In fact, it was an animal virus until it jumped to humans, probably late last year.

This is from the American Veterinary Medical Association:

Out of an abundance of caution, it is recommended that those ill with COVID-19 limit contact with animals until more information is known about the virus. Have another member of your household take care of walking, feeding, and playing with your pet. If you have a service animal or you must care for your pet, then wear a facemask; don’t share food, kiss, or hug them; and wash your hands before and after any contact with them.
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I am hoping that they won't be affected by this pandemic. I am not going that much since the numbers of cases spikes on a daily basis. Please pray for the world and the humanity.
To be sure, always wash your hands right before you play with the little ones or feed them. And if you need to cough, take your distance before you do it too. There's no proof that our animals can actually be affected, just a few isolated cases in dogs and cats, apparently. But you never know, better safe than sorry.
It's been identified in tigers, cats and dogs. I haven't seen any reports in any other species, although I understand that zoos are watching very carefully. The virus is so new that not much is known about it, so everybody's keeping an eye out for symptoms in other species.
There has been only 2-3 cases where animals have had the virus....1 was a tiger at a zoo (outdoors)...2 outdoor cats..

However I think it's common sense that when handling your piggies you should wash your hands regardless. When I spend time with each one of mine, i am washing my hands between each piggy.
Sounds excessive but I prefer to have fresh clean hands when handling the next baby...

the virus that the 3 known cases of animals had it, was because they contracted it by being outside. they weren't pets indoors.

JUST KEEP WASHING YOUR HANDS AFTER SHOPPING, BEFORE EATING, BEFORE HANDLING ANY OF YOUR PETS. it's simple as that....also there is a lot of misinformation out there about what has been happening with the epidemic, try your best not to pay attention to it. its a lot of scare tactics and bullying with the media. I tuned that stuff out as soon as third week of hearing about it on the news. it's all the same stuff, and crazy people blowing things up out of proportions....

its a scary thing, but don't let it negatively affect your life.
As I know, some animal can catch it, but don't think that piggies can.
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Petluv, if you can find fresh bell peppers they can be frozen so you could stock up for a few weeks. A little green grass that has not been treated with chemicals is nutritious as long as you start slowly with only a few blades. And a dandelion green a few times a week is okay, but they contain calcium so I only feed a small leaf once in a while.
It seems to me that this is unlikely. If this were true, then we would have known about it for a long time.
Yes, guinea pigs can catch it. They're being used as test animals for some of the treatments.

But they're being deliberately exposed to large amounts of the virus. The chances of someone's pet catching it are much, much lower even if someone in the house has COVID-19.
Piggies don´t deserve this! :( Stop laboratory testing! PETA PETA PETA!!!!!!!!!
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