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Diet Corn on the cob


Cavy Slave
Dec 29, 2008
Hi, I was just wondering if when feeding corn on the cob, should the corn be
Cooked or raw. Thanks
Nothing gets cooked for guinea pigs -- it's all raw.

And corn is just a very occasional thing for pigs -- it's high in sugar, and can upset their digestive tracts. I give my corn husks and silks nearly every day, and occasionally I'll trim the kernels off and give them a inch-long wheel of cob. And maybe once every two or three months I'll give them a wheel with the kernels on.
Thanks. I have had my guinea pig for about three and a half years. I have never given her corn. I figured it would be a nice little treat.
@(broken link removed) Where do you get the husks and silk? I realize you live in texas and it is common in mex cooking but looking for ideas where I can pick some up around here.
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When corn is in season, the grocery stores here put a huge garbage bin next to the corn in the produce aisle so people can clean the corn off before they buy it. I'm hoping to scavange some that way.
You give it to them raw. Mine won't eat corn on the cob but they do love the husks and silks!
When corn is in season, the grocery stores here put a huge garbage bin next to the corn in the produce aisle so people can clean the corn off before they buy it. I'm hoping to scavange some that way.
OOH good idea!
My females all love corn and silks but the boys wont look at it ,they take it out their bowl and put it in the far cormer of their cage and don't touch it.I dont try giving it now
I get the husks and silks from the grocery store when they've got garbage cans next to the corn display where people can shuck their corn. Otherwise, I buy the corn, use the husks and silks and throw the corn away, thereby causing all my farming ancestors to spin in their graves...
At most grocery stores, when they get a shipment of corn, it still has the husk and silk on it. They just take all that off before putting it out for sale, because most people who eat corn would rather just bring it home and put it in a pot, instead of having it take all that stuff off themselves. So you can talk to someone who works there, and ask if they can save a few for you without taking the husks off, or just save a bag of husks next time they get a shipment. :) I'm sure they would be happy to do it, as I've done it many times for my piggies. They loveeeeeeee corn with the husk and silk. They are masters at pulling ALL or of corn off, and just leaving the cob. (I think that it's called a cob? o_O)
I get the husks and silks from the grocery store when they've got garbage cans next to the corn display where people can shuck their corn. Otherwise, I buy the corn, use the husks and silks and throw the corn away, thereby causing all my farming ancestors to spin in their graves...

Does anyone know if there is any nutritional content to the husks and silks? We are having corn on the cob tonight and I am going to see if my piggies like the 'scraps'!
The husks have silica, which helps keep their molars worn down. And corn silk is used in oriental medicine for urinary tract problems. What other benefits they might have, I don't know. I just know mine think both are wonderful, especially the silks.
I'm so happy I learned about picking up corn husks at the grocery store here. I never even noticed the garbage can before. It starts some interesting conversations at the checkout register, too, since I have to point out that it's just a bag of scrap, not veggies. I always make sure to work piggie adoption into the conversation when I can. Amy and Borat both love the husks and silk.
So anytime there's a can next to the corn bin, that's for stripping husks off? Or will there be a clear sign?

I'm scared of getting in trouble and everyone in the store staring at me. :expressio
@MissJean Don't blame you. As far as where that bin is, I've seen it myself. I've never seen a sign or any thing, but there's a large grey trash can sitting right next to the corn for husking. Usually, it's pretty full when I see it, but it's quiet obvious. A trash can being where it normally wouldn't sit.

I have questions myself. Do you have to ask for permission or just take the husks? Is the alarm gonna go off when you exit the building? lol Or do people just look at you funny? Do corn husks ever go bad? Good idea, @bpatters!
I got some corn husks and silk this week, but it's still inthe fridge. I wanted to read again before I gave it to them. I'm paranoid of long stringey things getting tangled inside the guts of my pets. I just grabbed a produce bag, filled it, and explained when I got to the register that it was for my guinea pigs. The woman smiled and said "OK", like she thought it was funny. I don't care, as long as everyone here is happy and healthy. If anyone would have asked, they could feel by the weight of the bag that it was "empty", and I wasn't hiding anything in there.

I am curious how long they "last" or keep for?
Corn husks and silks don't last as long off the cob as they do on the cob. Unhusked corn will be ok after several days in the fridge, whereas that I get out of the waste bin at the grocery store never lasts more than two or three days.

@Petlovr, I cut the silks in short lengths so there's no danger of them getting choked. I split the husks into long strands, and they eat them kind of like a kid slurping up a strand of spaghetti.

@MissJean, it's trash out of the trash can. There's nothing on the husks to make the alarm go off, and no one is going to care. Just point out to the checker that all you've got is husks and silks and that you got them out of the trash bin.

I sometimes get tomatoes that way too. If you happen to be at the grocery store when the produce guys are cleaning up the displays, they'll throw all sorts of things in the trash that are perfectly fine for the pigs to eat. When I get something that looks a lot like it came off the display stand rather than the trash, I get the produce clerk to put a tag on it saying that it's waste with a price of $0.00.
Well, pigs is deinitely an apt description. I've never heard my girls make "nummy" sounds while eating until they got the corn silk and husks! lol Geez, you'd think Santa came early, they way they acted! Guess we have a new favorite, LOL.
Our boys loved the husks too! They were both very excited to have something new! Junior was taking some right out of Fella's mouth! (Fella may be the boss but Junior is not scared of him!!) I didn't give any silks this time but during the summer we eat corn a LOT so we will try silks next time. I would still love to know if there is any nutritional value in them!
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