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Cool tricks?

Miss Piggy

Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Apr 11, 2004
I was just curious if any of your guinea pigs did any neat tricks? It doesn't have to be over the top like catching a stick in the air, just any cute behavior or stunts they do that is unique. I've had mine for about 9 months and one of them licks my hands whenever I take her out of the cage. Anyone else?
when you leave furby on the floor with an icecream bucket (upsidedown with a cut out door hole) The ice cream bucket will start to run around. It's really fun to watch!! Furby dosn't have the sort of personality to jump um on a hemock or lick fingers, she's more of an explorer... She likes to check things out, low key lol.

She purrs when you hand feed her carrots I guess... Hehe when we first got her a kabob the thing freaked her out so bad, I guess she dosn't like bells lol!! She would sneak up on the kabob a when she "pounced" it to get her veggies and rip them off, she ended up pulling her veggies which slid the cabob afross her horizontal bared cage... lol it was so fun to watch, she was like working on it for like an hour, now when she hears the bell she looks um and stands in her cage doorway looking at you ready for her food...

I guess she does do this one thing thats really cool, You see her cage is downstairs in the family room and its right near the stairs.. Our house is the sort of squeaky kind, so when she hears me comming down the stairs she sorta "weeks" to greet me and runs up to the front of her cage, plus she knows that sometimes I have a few veggies in my hand.... Anyway sometimes she dosnt stop talking untill I play with her a bit, its really adorable.

Do you guys think I should be worried that she dosnt lick fingers? I really think it might just be her personality, she's just a shy little who likes to investigate everything.
My pig Salem comes to the front of his cage when I call his name.
awesome!! how did he/she learn that?
I would say his name and then give him a peice of veggie. So I guess he doesent know its his name, he just knows it means food. My other pigs come to their names sometimes, too.
My pig has never licked me in any way, but he does walk around with his pigloo on his butt. He looks like a turtle. He raises his hips slightly so the pigloo is off of the ground, and then he starts walking.
Salem moves his pigloo around by pushing it with his head. He never has to leave to eat or drink he just totes it around with him.
in running time(in the hallway) my pig follows me everywhere. say i go into my room. when i try to come back out she wont let me because she will stick her nose into my doorway and i am afraid when i open my door all the way she will jump in my room. i end up waiting 5 minutes before she leaves me alone.
CoCo will follow me anywhere if I have a raisin.

Chatty popcorns so high that when she is in her hidey house she hits the roof and she and the hidy house come up off the floor. It's really funny to watch.

As far as licking, some piggies are lickers and some aren't. Both mine are lickers.
my pig popcorns inside her hidey house, so when you look over at the cage, youll often see the house having seizures, popping up and down and vibrating.
During floor time when my piggies look bored i bring out some lettuce or kale and break it into little-ish peices and toss it somewhere into their "corner" and they chase after it. the winner gets to eat the lettuce or kale
those were all really cute, but i laughed out loud at the pig in the hidey hut popcorning, because of the behavior and the description
loves2travel said:
my pig popcorns inside her hidey house, so when you look over at the cage, youll often see the house having seizures, popping up and down and vibrating.
My piggy can open containers. Like this one (broken link removed) the blue smiley face one.
during floor time, if i ever krinkle a plastic bag, my girls come marching right up into my lap, demanding veggies and squealing loudly.
I dont know if this counts for much, but Rodney loves his tummy and his chin rubbed. He will put his front feet on your thumb, and lift himself up when you pet his tummy.. and he looks waaaay up in the sky when you rub his chin. hehe..
My Prince lets me rub his belly when he lays on his back on my arms. When I come home from work they smell veggies and other foods on my hands and they would try to lick, nibble and then bite. When my Peanut was pregnant with 5 she was so big that the pigloo got stuck around her belly and she would run thinking that the pigloo was chasing her. that was a blast seeing that. when I walk in the room and I dont have anything on me they start running up the front of the cage and start wheeking demanding veggies. My Prince would move the pigloo near the girls cage to try to get out and he would tip the pigloo over and go inside the upside down part and try to get out. that was funny. I love it when I turn my chair around to check on Squeakers (who is due anytime) and I would see binkies having seizures and flipping all over the place cause they were popcorning in the binkies.
2 of my pigs always push the top of their houses off. It never fails...when ever I replace the roof of their house, they go right in and push it off. Another one of my pigs gives me kisses on my face. And the other puts her face in the bars of her cage (tries to fit it in one square of the cube-but it doesn't fit) and wheeks until I come over and scratch her on the head.
My piggie Patch will jump over tissue paper rolls,roll his ball around,start begging when he wants to be held or when he wants to eat,come when his name is called,lick my cheek as a kiss,tips over his food bowl when there is nothing in it meaning he wants it filled and fast,he also pees in the spots he's supposed to during floor time and will even try to walk on his two hind legs.He's a whole lot of fun.
My piggy will also give you kisses on your face and is almost litter box trained. Usually when he gives you kisses it means he has got to go.
Cujo is always kissing me. I just love it so much. Whatever it is , I've decided that it is kissing! He also plays hide and seek in his hay. I say where is Cujo and he burrows and then stays super still while I call for him. After a minute or so he moves ever so slightly so i can "find" him. I get so excited to find him and he gets excited to be "found'. It is pretty amazing.
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