when you leave furby on the floor with an icecream bucket (upsidedown with a cut out door hole) The ice cream bucket will start to run around. It's really fun to watch!! Furby dosn't have the sort of personality to jump um on a hemock or lick fingers, she's more of an explorer... She likes to check things out, low key lol.
She purrs when you hand feed her carrots I guess... Hehe when we first got her a kabob the thing freaked her out so bad, I guess she dosn't like bells lol!! She would sneak up on the kabob a when she "pounced" it to get her veggies and rip them off, she ended up pulling her veggies which slid the cabob afross her horizontal bared cage... lol it was so fun to watch, she was like working on it for like an hour, now when she hears the bell she looks um and stands in her cage doorway looking at you ready for her food...
I guess she does do this one thing thats really cool, You see her cage is downstairs in the family room and its right near the stairs.. Our house is the sort of squeaky kind, so when she hears me comming down the stairs she sorta "weeks" to greet me and runs up to the front of her cage, plus she knows that sometimes I have a few veggies in my hand.... Anyway sometimes she dosnt stop talking untill I play with her a bit, its really adorable.
Do you guys think I should be worried that she dosnt lick fingers? I really think it might just be her personality, she's just a shy little who likes to investigate everything.